
AES Press Release: AES Budapest 2012

Workshops Highlight AES 132nd Convention

For Release: April 2, 2012

Distributed Music  - Recording Reality - Audio Hardware in Smartphones & More


BUDAPEST:  Workshops are a major attraction at every Audio Engineering Society Convention. Scheduled for April 26-29 at the Novotel Budapest Congress and World Trade Center, the 132nd convention will deliver another program of diverse, compelling, and educational workshop events including:

Distributed Music Panel:  Chair: Alex Case, Panel: Nathan Brock, Alvaro Barbose, David Willyard (remotely) and Karl Steinberg (remotely)
This workshop covers the emerging field of music intended for performance over networks, including both advanced research and the public Internet. Topics such as determined limits for delay between locations, and methods for performance above and below these thresholds will be addressed. Soundjack and the Jamlink hardware interface will be discussed as examples of realistic interaction over networks.  There will also be a discussion of artistic strategies for overcoming excessive delay in performance.

Reality Is Not a Recording/A Recording Is Not Reality:  Presenter, Jim Anderson
Former New York Times film critic, Vincent Canby, wrote "all of us have different thresholds at which we suspend disbelief, and then gladly follow fictions to conclusions that we find logical." It is the responsibility of the recording engineer and producer to create a universe so compelling and transparent that the listener isn't aware of any manipulation. How can we produce a listening experience that is both logical and better than reality? What techniques can be applied?

Audio Hardware in Smartphones: Chair, Antti Kelloniemi
Comparisons between novel Smartphones and other professional or consumer audio equipment reveal that phones provide highly sophisticated audio functions for their size and price. Users expect high quality noise reduction and echo cancellation wide frequency response, and high dynamic range,. Quality expectations keep rising, while devices must remain small and affordable.  This workshop will provide introductory level Smartphone audio solutions and a discussion of current audio performance requirements. Examples of state-of-the-art audio component technology will be demonstrated. 

AES Conventions are a locus for listening, learning and connecting.  Please visit for a complete list of event titles, abstracts and presentation times

Photo: The Novotel Budapest Congress & World Trade Center hosts the 132nd AES Convention


The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers.  With over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East, the organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination of technical information for the industry.  For additional information visit