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Marina Bosi terrà il Keynote sulla Codifica Audio Percettiva alla Convention AES di Milano

La dott.ssa Marina Bosi sarà la Keynote Speaker all’apertura della Convention 2018 di Milano della Audio Engineering Society, il 23 maggio. La presentazione principale della 144a convention internazionale della Audio Engineering Society sarà un approfondimento sulle attuali tecnologie e innovazioni nella codifica audio.


L'Audio Engineering Society esaminerà attentamente l'impatto della codifica audio digitale durante l'imminente discorso di apertura della AES sulla Convention di Milano, "Come la codifica audio percettiva ha plasmato le nostre vite", a cura della dott.ssa Marina Bosi, ex-presidente AES e consulting professor alla Stanford University. Il discorso della dott.ssa Bosi, che si terrà il 23 maggio 2018 durante le cerimonie di apertura della 144a Convention Internazionale AES, passerà in rassegna la storia e le prospettive delle tecnologie e delle pratiche di codifica, sia dal punto di vista della produzione che dal lato del consumatore.


Dal 23 al 26 maggio, presso l'NH Hotel Milano Congress Center di Milano, l'AES Convention esplorerà una vasta gamma di argomenti scientifici, idee e innovazioni della produzione audio, dell’arte, della tecnologia e della ricerca ospitando tante personalità di spicco nel mondo del suono.


Nella sua presentazione, Bosi esaminerà alcuni dei principali cambiamenti nella fruizione dell’audio e in che modo rappresentano nuove sfide e opportunità nella codifica dell'audio per l’intrattenimento, l’informatica e altri scopi, rispondendo alle domande: "Chi avrebbe mai immaginato venti anni fa che tutti chiedessero a gran voce i dispositivi tascabili con codificatori audio percettivi MP3/AAC? Essendo alla base del funzionamento di dispositivi mobili, DVD / Blue-Ray, streaming / webcasting, distribuzione musicale liquida, ecc.… la codifica audio è entrata prepotentemente nella vita quotidiana di tutti. Domande naturali da porsi sono: cosa ha reso possibile tutto questo? Dove stiamo andando?"


"Grazie alla sua profonda esperienza nella ricerca e negli standard di codifica dei media digitali, la dott.ssa Bosi offrirà approfondimenti unici sull'uso diffuso di queste tecnologie in applicazioni che vanno dalla produzione e distribuzione all'esperienza del consumatore", afferma la co-presidente della commissione per la Convention AES Nadja Wallaszkovits. "Il background della Bosi fornisce anche le basi per una visione informata del futuro dei media digitali che senza dubbio si rivelerà illuminante."


Bosi attinge da un ricco background, a partire dagli studi musicali a quelli in fisica a Firenze, fino a diventare parte attiva nello sviluppo di standard per la codifica audio, codifica video e gestione dei contenuti digitali, avendo contribuito al lavoro di ANSI, ATSC, Forum DVD, DVB, ISO / IEC MPEG, SDMI e SMPTE, nonché AES. È titolare di numerosi brevetti e ha scritto numerose pubblicazioni sul campo, nonché l'acclamato libro di testo Introduzione alla codifica e agli standard digitali audio (Kluwer / Springer, dicembre 2002). Inoltre, Bosi è autore o co-autore di oltre una dozzina di documenti di ricerca AES pubblicati sulla codifica audio percettiva e argomenti correlati, disponibili nella E-Library di AES. È anche Past-President della Audio Engineering Society e membro senior dell'IEEE, oltre ad aver fatto parte del gruppo di ricerca della Dolby Laboratories che ha sviluppato le tecnologie AC-2A e AC-3 (Dolby Digital), dove, in Inoltre, ha anche guidato lo sviluppo di MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC). È stata Vice President of Technology, Standards and Strategies presso DTS, e in seguito Chief Technology Officer di MPEG LA, leader del settore nell'utilizzo di pool di brevetti per creare un "one-stop shop" per la concessione in licenza dei brevetti essenziali richiesti dalle tecnologie multimediali ed è stato direttore fondatore (insieme a Leonardo Chiariglione, presidente di MPEG) e anche tesoriere del Digital Media Project, un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro creata per promuovere lo sviluppo, l'implementazione e l'uso di Digital Media.


La Dott.ssa Bosi è stata riconosciuta per il suo lavoro con onorificenze come AES Fellowship Award per i suoi contributi allo sviluppo di standard audio e video e due AES Board of Governors Awards per la 97a Convention AES e ancora per la presidenza della prima conferenza internazionale sulla codifica audio di alta qualità.


Iscriviti e partecipa all'AES di Milano e segui le news online su aeseurope.com per gli ultimi dettagli sul programma tecnico e gli espositori, la registrazione, gli alloggi e altro ancora. Per informazioni sugli sconti della AES Convention di Milano, l'accesso all'archivio di ricerca AES E-Library, gli eventi speciali per studenti e formazione, visita aes.org.


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Posted: Sunday, March 11, 2018

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AES si prepara a "The Power Of Sound" e presenta il Comitato Organizzativo

AES si prepara a "The Power Of Sound" e presenta il Comitato Organizzativo

Milano - La 144ª Convention internazionale della Audio Engineering Society di maggio 2018 tratterà una vasta gamma di ambiti audio professionali tra cui Audio 3D, Sound Reinforcement, Sound for Cinema, Sound per Realtà Virtuale e Aumentata, Audio Multicanale, Registrazione, Produzione e Acustica degli Spazi.

La Audio Engineering Society ha appena annunciato l'autorevole comitato organizzatore della 144a Convention ed Esposizione Internazionale AES, che si terrà a Milano, dal 23 al 26 maggio presso il Centro Congressi NH Hotel Milano. Abbracciando il tema di quest'anno - "The Power of Sound" / “La Potenza del Suono” - la convention sarà co-presieduta da Alberto Pinto (Professore - CESMA, Università NUCT, Università di Stanford) e Nadja Wallaszkovits (Chief Audio Engineer - Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences e AES President -Elect), che ha riunito un team di professionisti dell'audio di alto livello per organizzare gli eventi e le presentazioni del più grande e importante evento europeo di formazione, networking ed esposizione di apparecchiature audio professionali del 2018.

"Nel corso di 70 anni di storia", afferma Wallaszkovits, "le AES convention hanno raccolto le migliori menti per educare e condividere cultura audio con tutti i professionisti. AES Milano 2018 porterà avanti quella tradizione nella più attiva città d’Italia - non solo un luogo meraviglioso, ma anche sede di numerosi importanti produttori di audio professionale".

Il comitato dei volontari è rappresentativo del calibro dei partecipanti alla convention. I membri del comitato sono Co-presidenti di Workshop Natanya Ford (Senior Lecturer - The University of West of England; AES Fellow) e Magdalena Piotrowska (Manager e Sound Engineer - Hear Candy Mastering; Post-doc - Gdansk University of Technnology), Papers co-chairs Ville Pulkki (Tenure-track Assistant Professor - Università Aalto; Fellow AES) e Sascha Spors (Professore - Università di Rostock), Facilities Co-Chairs Marcello Mannini (Tecnico del suono, Skeldon Società Cooperativa) e Layan Thornton (Senior Member - Team TPVR della Convention Europea AES) e, in qualità di Advisor, Umberto Zanghieri (Responsabile R & D - Divisione Z, RCF). "Questo straordinario comitato sta sviluppando i quattro giorni pieni di contenuti formativi e illuminanti per tutti i partecipanti alla convention", afferma Pinto. "Per i professionisti dell'audio che desiderano migliorare le loro conoscenze e abilità, per gli studenti e gli appassionati interessati alle scienze audio e alle arti, AES Milano è un evento essenziale."

"AES Milano offre workshop e tutorial per tutte le specialità dell’ingegneria audio", afferma Piotrowska. Le sessioni includeranno Audio 3D, Sound Reinforcement, Sound for Cinema, Sound per VR/AR, Audio multicanale, Registrazione, Produzione e Acustica. "I partecipanti alla convention possono condividere ed espandere le loro conoscenze audio dai fondamenti fino alle tecnologie più all’avanguardia", continua. "I nuovi media - AR e VR, audio per i videogame, audio immersivo, dispositivi smart - saranno al centro di numerose sessioni e panel, tra cui l'esperienza dell'audio 3D attraverso un sistema High Order Ambisonics con riproduzione musicale dance ed elettronica, tra gli altri generi - nonché la presentazione di tecniche di produzione per la spazializzazione audio come l'elaborazione del B-Format e l'acquisizione tramite microfoni 3D. Il programma tecnico AES Milano riguarderà l'applicazione delle tecnologie, come l'ottimizzazione di sistemi audio live e il mixing, nonché i panel e le presentazioni incentrate sugli argomenti più recenti come l’audio processing e il portable audio streaming."

Un pilastro delle AES Convention sono le sessioni Paper e Poster, che presentano i risultati di ricerche accademiche e commerciali in tutti gli aspetti della tecnologia audio e includono la percezione umana del suono. Pulkki e Spors stanno guidando il team di Peer-Reviewers impegnati a esaminare le abbondanti proposte per AES Milano 2018.

Gli studenti sono una parte altrettanto importante in tutte le AES Convention. AES Milano non fa eccezione, con sessioni educative orientate agli studenti ed eventi che includono gare di registrazione e sound design per gli studenti, tutoraggio, presentazioni di scuole e possibili proposte lavorative.

Il programma tecnico di AES Milano si svilupperà per quattro giorni, dal 23 al 26 maggio (mer-sab). La sessione fieristica, dove troverà posto l’esposizione dell’avanguardia delle tecnologie professionali, si terrà da giovedì 24 al 26 maggio. Le sessioni del programma tecnico comprendono oltre 160 presentazioni di documenti di ricerca, che coprono le più recenti tecnologie, analisi e tecniche audio finalizzate alla formazione e aggiornamento di professionisti dell'audio e studenti. Il tema stesso della Convention "The Power of Sound", declinato nei vari ambiti del mondo audio, è ben rappresentato.

L'esposizione parallela sarà una fiera dei principali produttori che presenteranno le ultime attrezzature a disposizione per la dimostrazione e la valutazione, insieme a presentazioni didattiche e panel che si terranno nello Show Floor. La manifestazione ospiterà inoltre demo room dedicate e altre esperienze di ascolto uniche, completando il programma di eventi speciali e opportunità di dialogo durante tutto l’evento.

Partecipa all'AES di Milano e seguici online su aeseurope.com per gli ultimi dettagli sul programma tecnico e gli espositori, la registrazione, gli alloggi e altro ancora. Per informazioni sugli sconti della AES Convention di Milano, l'accesso all'archivio di ricerca AES E-Library, gli eventi speciali per studenti e formazione, visita aes.org.


INFO: aeseurope.com

Posted: Friday, February 23, 2018

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AES Explores "The Power of Sound" at AES Milan 2018 — Organizing Committee Announced

The Power of Sound — AES Milan 2018

The Power of Sound — AES Milan 2018

The Audio Engineering Society has announced the distinguished membership of the organizing committee for the 144th International AES Convention and Exposition, taking place in Milan, Italy, May 23–26 at the NH Hotel Milano Congress Centre. Embracing this year’s theme – “The Power of Sound” – the convention will be co-chaired by Alberto Pinto (Professor – CESMA, NUCT University, Stanford University) and Nadja Wallaszkovits (Chief Audio Engineer – Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences and AES President-Elect), who have assembled a team of leading audio professionals to organize the events and presentations for Europe’s largest professional audio education, networking and gear exhibition of the year.

“Throughout their 70-year history,” says Wallaskovits, “AES conventions have gathered the foremost minds in audio to educate and connect with attendees. AES Milan 2018 will carry on that tradition in Northern Italy – not only a wonderful locale, but also home to numerous prominent professional audio manufacturers.”

The all-volunteer committee is representative of the caliber of participants in the convention. The committee members are Workshop Co-chairs Natanya Ford (Senior Lecturer – The University of the West of England; AES Fellow) and Magdalena Piotrowska (Manager and Sound Engineer – Hear Candy Mastering; Post-doc – Gdansk University of Technnology), Papers Co-chairs Ville Pulkki (Tenure-track Assistant Professor – Aalto University; AES Fellow) and Sascha Spors (Professor – University of Rostock), Facilities Co-Chairs Marcello Mannini (Sound Engineer, Skeldon Società Cooperativa) and Layan Thornton (Senior Member – AES European Convention TPVR team) and, as Advisor, Umberto Zanghieri (R&D Manager – Z Division, RCF). “This outstanding committee is developing four full days of content that will educate and enlighten convention attendees,” states Pinto. “For audio professionals looking to advance their knowledge and skills, for students and all others interested in the audio sciences and arts, AES Milan is an essential event.”

“AES Milan is offering Workshops and Tutorials from across the broad range of audio engineering specialties,” elaborates Piotrowska. Sessions will include 3D Audio, Sound Reinforcement, Sound for Cinema, Sound for VR, Multichannel Audio, Recording and Production and Room Acoustics. “Convention attendees can share and expand their audio knowledge from the fundamentals through to the latest technologies,” she furthers. “New media – AR and VR, game sound, immersive audio, mobile platforms – will be the focus of numerous sessions and panels, including the experience of 3D audio through a high-order ambisonics system with dance and electronica musical playback, among other genres – as well as the presentation of spatial audio production techniques used such as B-format processing and spatial microphone capture. The AES Milan technical program will cover the application of technology – such as live sound system optimization and mixing – as well as present panels and presentations focusing on the latest in topics such as audio processing and portable streaming audio.” 

A mainstay of AES Conventions are Paper and Poster sessions, presenting the results of scholarly and commercial research covering all aspects of audio technology and including human perception of sound. Pulkki and Spors are heading the team of peer reviewers busy vetting the bountiful submissions for AES Milan 2018.

Students are also a major part of all AES Conventions. AES Milan is no exception, with student-oriented educational sessions and events that include student recording and design competitions, mentoring and a career and school fair.

The four-day technical program at AES Milan will run May 23 through 26, with the exposition taking place May 24 through 26. The technical program sessions include over 160 research paper presentations, covering the latest in audio research, technologies and techniques aimed at educating audio professionals and students, alike, while exemplifying the Convention theme: “The Power of Sound.” 

The companion exposition will showcase leading manufacturers with the latest gear on-hand for demonstration and evaluation, along with educational presentations and panels taking place on the show floor. The expo will also feature dedicated demo rooms and other unique listening experiences, complementing the full schedule of special events and social opportunities going on throughout the show. 

Make plans to join the AES in Milan and follow us online at aeseurope.com for the latest details about the technical program, exhibitors, registration, housing and more. For information on AES Milan Convention discounts, AES E-Library research archive access, special student and education events, visit aes.org. 

Posted: Monday, February 19, 2018

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DiGiCo Showcases SD12 at AES New York Convention

Representing the culmination of 15 years of digital console design, DiGiCo’s new SD12 console was the centerpiece of the company’s presence at the AES New York Convention.

Spotlighted on Group One’s stand, the desk shared the show floor with DiGiCo’s S31—the larger, triple-screen sibling of the S21 - and the company’s flagship SD7 touring console, among other products.

“From the stages of Summerfest’s 50th in Milwaukee to the audition and elimination rounds of NBC’s America’s Got Talent in Los Angeles, the SD12 has very quickly been showing up on numerous tours, festivals and installs since we launched it at NAMM back in January,” says Group One Vice President of Audio Matt Larson. “Equipped with DiGiCo’s latest generation of Super FPGA processing along with the Core2 platform and dual 15-inch touchscreens, the popular desk embodies the best features of both the SD- and S-Series combined into a highly compact yet intuitive and user-friendly design.”

For more information visit www.DiGiCo.biz 

Posted: Friday, October 20, 2017

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Audio-Technica Now Shipping New AT5047 Cardioid Condenser Microphone

Audio-Technica is now shipping its new AT5047 Cardioid Condenser Microphone. The most recent addition to A-T’s 50 Series (which also includes the AT5040 vocal microphone and AT5045 instrument mic), the AT5047 is a studio microphone that features the same capsule as the AT5040 but with a transformer-coupled output and optimized electronics.

Boasting the widest dynamic range among all Audio-Technica microphones, the AT5047 is equipped with a transformer-coupled output, and said to maintain a constant load output impedance, even when capturing sources at high SPL, resulting in a more stable relationship between the mic and a mic preamp or console input.

The AT5047 features four rectangular two-micron-thick diaphragms, which function together to provide a combined surface area twice that of a standard one-inch circular diaphragm. A-T says that discrete components have been selected and optimized for performance and compatibility with a wide array of microphone preamps and console inputs, and that advanced internal shock mounting decouples the capsule from the microphone body, and the included advanced-design AT8480 shock mount provides superior isolation.

Featuring a housing of aluminum and brass, each AT5047 has been hand-assembled and inspected. A custom hard-shell carrying case with die-cut foam compartments offers protection during storage and transport.

AT5047 specifications:

  • Element: Fixed-charge back plate, permanently polarized condenser
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 20 to 20,000 Hz
  • Open Circuit Sensitivity: -29 dB (35.5 mV) re 1V at 1 Pa
  • Impedance: 150 ohms
  • Maximum Input Sound Level: 148 dB SPL, 1 kHz at 1% T.H.D.
  • Noise: 6 dB SPL
  • Dynamic Range (typical): 142 dB, 1 kHz at Max SPL
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 88 dB, 1 kHz at 1 Pa
  • Phantom Power Requirements: 48V DC, 2.7 mA typical
  • Weight: 592 g (20.9 oz)
  • Dimensions: 165.3 mm (6.51') long, 57.0 mm (2.24') maximum body diameter
  • Output Connector: Integral 3-pin XLRM-type
  • Accessories Furnished: AT8480 shock mount for 5/8"-27 threaded stands; 3/8" to 5/8" stand adapter; protective carrying case

For more information, please visit www.audio-technica.com.


Posted: Friday, October 20, 2017

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NUGEN Audio Introduces Halo Upmix Second & Third Order Ambisonic Output and Advancements for Loudness Toolkit at AES 2017

NUGEN Audio introduced a new version of its Halo Upmix 3D Immersive Extension and launched an update for Loudness Toolkit 2, version 2.7, at AES NY, as part of the company’s surround management, loudness monitoring, correction and true peak limiting for workstations offerings.

NUGEN Audio continues into the immersive audio field with its Halo Upmix, announcing a further update to its Halo Upmix 3D Immersive Extension. Having launched first order Ambisonic output capability in July, this latest upgrade will allow second and third order Ambisonic output and support for AmbiX and FuMa formats.

“Halo Upmix, generating higher order Ambisonic output, is yet another innovation from NUGEN Audio in immersive audio,” says Ed Gray, Avid's director of partnering programs. 

Additionally, the Halo Upmix 3D Immersive Extension update will also include both 7.1.4 and 5.1.4 channel configurations to facilitate production in Auro-3D formats – a three-dimensional audio standard used across several industries, including cinema, gaming and automotive applications.

“Immersive audio is becoming a rare conceptual game changer that has the potential to re-define how we create and enjoy sound, as engineers seek new tools and workflow to fully exploit this exciting and rapidly developing technology,” says Jon Schorah, founder and creative director, NUGEN Audio.

NUGEN Audio has also announced a new version of its Loudness Toolkit, version 2.7. Loudness Toolkit 2 includes the VisLM-H meter, LM-Correct quick-fix tool and ISL true peak limiter. This update makes Loudness Toolkit a companion for NLE and DAW users. Loudness Toolkit 2 also features “DynApt dynamic adaptation technology available as an extension for LM-Correct, enabling streamlined LRA targeting.

New features include a unique power-compensated true peak safe dither algorithm for the ISL True Peak limiter. Several different forms of dither are available, said to enable the minimization of quantization errors and artifacts from bit depth reduction processes. ISL is designed to automatically compensate for the dither applied, by which, says Nugen TPmax is preserved and true peak compliance violations are not accidentally introduced in the final output dither stage, as might potentially be the case when engaging traditional post-TPmax dither functions.

For the LM Correct quick-fix tool and VisLM Loudness Meters, 7.1 dialog anchored analysis and processing is now possible. Additionally, for both LM-Correct and VisLM, the EBU Mode has been updated to reflect new guidance on LRA readings for audio under 60 seconds long. Nugen says that this and other minor usability and compatibility enhancements reflect the company’s commitment to keeping pace with loudness standards worldwide. 

For more information, visit




Posted: Friday, October 20, 2017

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DAD Adds Speaker Correction for AX32

Pro | Mon | 3 is an audio monitor control solution that offers stand-alone monitor control functionality and speaker processing covering a range of functionality for music recording studios, location music recording, and post production environments. 
With the new Version 3, as an integrated part of the AX32 and DX32 units DAD offers the new desktop Monitor Control Unit, with layered control functionality. By adding the new SPQ | Speaker Processor card to the AX32, 128 channels with 1024 filters can be allocated to the outputs of Pro Mon, all with a 56-bit floating point calculation precision, giving a filter dynamic range of > 130dB.

When adding the Pro | Mon | 3 license, a range of additional monitoring control features are added to the DADman software, enabling AX32/DX32 to operate as a processor with control of signal routing, control room speaker levels and monitor cues in any channel format including stereo, 5.1, 7.1.4, Dolby Atmos and other 3D and immersive audio formats. The control and configuration is managed by the new DADman 5.1 software, which also serves as a control center enabling devices compliant with Avid Eucon or MIDI to operate the monitor functions.
Multiple monitors and cue outputs in various channel formats can be configured and controlled from one or more hardware MOM’s (Monitor Operating Module) with individual cue mix functionality and dedicated monitor mixing. Adjustable parameters include level, pan, cut, mute and even downmix from, for example, a 7.1 multichannel format. All settings and configurations can be saved and recalled.

"In short, when combining the routing, processing and control surface options with the ability to quickly save and recall setting, you essentially get a centerpiece that allows you to switch between various workflows. Potentially, this can save significant amounts of valuable production time," says DAD Sales Director Mikael Vest. “Further, Pro | Mon | 3 and DADman 5.2 support 64 bit Apple OS X and Microsoft Windows which gives a more responsive feel. It also provides compatibility with the Avid Eucon 64-bit protocol which we have adopted as a Eucon connectivity partnerMost of the Pro | Mon | 2 controls are available via Eucon and can be configured in detail on Eucon-enabled control surfaces such as the Avid S6, Avid S3, Avid Pro Tools Dock and the Pro Tools Control iPad app for wireless cue mix and monitor control. Also, standard MIDI controller devices can serve as controls, as well as third party controllers from TAC Systems and CB Electronics."

For more information visit


Posted: Friday, October 20, 2017

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Sennheiser and Neumann Showcase Recording Microphones Alongside 3D-Audio-Capture Tools and Monitoring Solutions

Sennheiser and Neumann will be showcasing their suite of high-quality microphones and monitors for both professional and home studios at the 143rd AES Convention at the Javits Center in New York City. Highlights on display from Neumann include the U 87 Rhodium Edition microphone and the KH 80 DSP monitor loudspeaker in a new white version. For Sennheiser, the focus will be on its groundbreaking AMBEO 3D audio recording technologies – presenting the AMBEO VR microphone for producing 3D VR/AR audio and the renowned MKH 800 TWIN recording microphone for loudspeaker-reproduced 3D audio.
Neumann U 87 Rhodium Edition
The U 87 Rhodium Edition was created to honor the 50th anniversary of the microphone’s release. Limited to only 500 units worldwide, this microphone is plated with rhodium, a material rarer than gold and more reflective than any other metal. Each of the meticulously crafted microphones is individually numbered with a certificate of authenticity hand-signed by Wolfgang Fraissinet, President, Neumann.Berlin.
The joint Sennheiser and Neumann booth will also showcase the full line of microphones and monitors for professional studios and home recording use. Neumann microphones on display will include the U 87 ai, U 47 FET, TLM 67, TLM 102, TLM 103, TLM 107, M 147 Tube, M 149 Tube, KM 184 A, and the KU 100 dummy head. Sennheiser microphones on display will include the AMBEO VR Mic, MK 4 digital, MK 8, ClipMic digital, MKE 2 digital, and the MKH 800 TWIN. The MKH 800 TWIN features a dual-capsule design, which allows its pick-up pattern to be remotely controlled at the mixing desk or via a dedicated MKH 800 TWIN plug-in for DAWs, allowing any intermediate characteristic. The free plug-in also allows management of multiple TWIN microphones for 3D audio recording.
Also featured is the Neumann line of precision studio monitors, which includes the brand-new KH 80 DSP in white. Other Neumann monitors on display include the KH 810, KH 310, and KH 120.
AMBEO demonstrations in 1E04
Sennheiser will host demonstrations of its AMBEO 3D immersive audio technology in demo room 1E04 for the duration of the convention. The sessions will include a walk-through of AMBEO 3D audio for loudspeaker playback and the AMBEO VR microphone. Special guests such as producer and surround sound expert Tom Ammermann and sound designer and psychoacoustician Lasse Nipkow will join attendees to relate their experiences with the technology. The schedule of demonstration and listening sessions is as follows:
Tom Ammermann – 10/18 at 11:00 AM; 10/19 at 12:00 PM; 10/20 at 11:00 AM
In this Electro-Pop-focused session, attendees will hear 3D audio mixes from Booka Shade and Kraftwerk. Participants can look forward to engrossing immersive sound, and Tom will be open for questions.
Lasse Nipkow – 10/18 at 1:00 PM; 10/19 at 2:00 PM; 10/20 at 1:00 PM
EDM producers aim to fully envelop nightclub audiences in sound. 3D audio offers immense potential to increase the immersiveness of that experience and engage the emotions of the audience. Lasse discusses the future of dance music and 3D audio and how it relates to film sound, while delving into explanations of relevant psychoacoustic phenomena via sample recordings and videos.
Gregor Zielinsky – 10/18 at 3:00 PM; 10/19 at 4:00 PM; 10/20 at 9:00 AM
Tonmeister Gregor Zielinsky, Sennheiser, will present examples of live and studio AMBEO productions. Also, the MKH 800 TWIN plug-in will be explained and presented in a live session. This free plug-in makes working with the double-capsule MKH 800 TWIN easier and more flexible.
Jim Anderson & Ulrike Schwarz – 10/18 at 5:00 PM
Live recording experts Jim Anderson and Ulrike Schwarz of Anderson Audio New York will present audio captured at this year’s Chelsea Music Festival, delivered via Sennheiser’s immersive AMBEO 3D audio format. The recordings feature works by Beethoven, Ravel and Gershwin.
Convention sessions on 3D audio
In addition to hosting demonstrations and listening sessions in its own demo room, Sennheiser staff will participate in several presentations and panels regarding the state of 3D audio technology during the convention.
Spatial Audio: SA15 – Afternoon Listening Session in 9.1
Saturday, October 21, 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm (Rm 1E06 - PMC Room)
This 90-minute immersive listening session will be dedicated to experiencing recently recorded works created for multichannel loudspeaker listening environments. The program will include classical, pop, electronic, jazz, and world music recordings created by a variety of engineers and producers who are dedicated to the art of spatial audio.
TW07 Tech Behind the Tools: Production to Playback
Friday, October 20, 9:00 am – 10:30 am (Rm 1E12)
This 90-minute panel of engineers and technologists will educate attendees about the technology behind a different product, tool or service on the journey from audio production through playback. The panel features Véronique Larcher, co-director AMBEO Immersive Audio, Sennheiser. http://www.aes.org/events/143/workshops/?ID=5590
Game Audio & VR: GA14 – Immersive Headphone Audio Reproduction in VR/AR
Friday, October 20, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm (Rm 1E13)
Presenting virtual and augmented-reality content via head-mounted displays is a key focus for content creators and technology manufacturers. This display method allows for mobility and unconstrained movements and enables virtual content to be immersively embedded into the real world. Headphone transparency to environmental sounds and the proper application of augmented audio content to the real acoustical environment are among the major technological challenges we face. Panelists will discuss these challenges for signal processing and headphone acoustics for different AR & VR application requirements.
The panel is chaired by Juergen Peissig, Sennheiser, and features Véronique Larcher, co-director AMBEO Immersive Audio, Sennheiser. http://www.aes.org/events/143/gameaudio/?ID=5699
Spatial Audio: SA13 - 3D Ambeo Live and Studio Recordings
Saturday, October 21, 10:45 am – 11:45 am (Rm 1E06 - PMC Room)
Live recording experts Jim Anderson and Ulrike Schwarz of Anderson Audio New York captured this year’s Chelsea Music Festival for playback via Sennheiser’s immersive AMBEO 3D audio format. During this session, they will present the resulting recordings. Host Gregor Zielinsky, Sennheiser, will present further examples of live and studio AMBEO productions. Additionally, the MKH 800 TWIN plug-in will be explained and demonstrated in a live session. This free plug-in provides an easy way to maximize the potential of the highly flexible, dual-capsule MKH 800 TWIN mic. http://www.aes.org/events/143/spatialaudio/?ID=5743



Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2017

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Clear-Com Presents Major Enhancements to HelixNet at AES NY 2017

Clear-Com, manufacturer of wired, wireless and IP communications solutions, will present the latest enhancements to the HelixNet all-digital networked partyline intercom system at Booth 828 at AES NY 2017. The latest features include binaural listening in the HelixNet HXII-BP-X5 beltpack, a six-fold increase in I/O ports, and direct connections to the Agent-IC mobile app and VoIP phones.
Binaural Listening on HelixNet Beltpack
The HelixNet HXII-BP-X5 Beltpack now features binaural (split ear) functionality to enable program feed from one channel to one ear, while the feed from the intercom channel is heard on the other ear. This feature adds to the existing capability of mixing audio from both channels in both ears.
Increase in I/O Ports
By connecting Clear-Com LQ Series devices to the HelixNet Mainstation via an Ethernet module, users can gain up to 24 audio I/O ports assigned to any of the 12 or 24 intercom channels in HelixNet. These additional ports supplement the HelixNet ports for interfacing with 2-wire and/or 4-wire intercom or audio devices, effectively creating a much higher density digital partyline intercom system. Since HelixNet and LQ are linked over LAN and WAN IP networks, users have the flexibility to move these extra audio connections to the next room or the other side of a facility. Signals from any remote devices are routed over IP to the assigned HelixNet end point(s). 
New IP connections with Agent-IC and VoIP Telephony users
Through the LQ interface, any user on the HelixNet system is now able to communicate with users on Clear-Com’s Agent-IC mobile apps running on smart iOS or Android devices over Wi-Fi, as well as users on VoIP phones via SIP connection. This ability is targeted for applications where core production team members on the HelixNet system may need to add a few extra intercom positions at remote locations or for contributing users; or for a production member to switch their comms connection to their smart phone or a VoIP phone in order to step away from their assigned position momentarily. This option is now possible and with LQ.
At AES NY, Clear-Com is a sponsor of the Broadcast Audio Expo, the Broadway Sound Expo, and the Live Sound Expo, as well as presenting at two Tech Program sessions: Broadcast Production Networking, which took place on on Wednesday, October 18 and Theatre Sound Infrastructure on Thursday, October 19 at 1:00 pm.



Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2017

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Focusrite Announces New RedNet X2P and Red 16Line Audio Interfaces

Focusrite has announced two new audio I/Os: the RedNet X2P 2x2 Dante audio interface, and the Red 16Line 64-in/64-out Pro Tools | HD and dual Thunderbolt 3 audio interface. The compact RedNet X2P allows expansion of Focusrite RedNet or other Dante audio-over-IP systems with its two Red Evolution mic pre’s, stereo line outs and a stereo headphone amplifier. The Red 16Line features low-latency A-D/D-A conversion for 16 line-level ins and outs and for two Red Evolution mic preamps, up to 121dB dynamic range and optional Dante networking compatibility.
With the RedNet X2P, power, audio and remote control are supplied using a single Ethernet cable. A local input mixer allows “more me” monitoring control. Flexible control locks determine local control capability of the mic pre and output settings for applications such as allowing musicians to adjust their headphone mix and levels without changing mic pre parameters. RedNet X2P features a crossfader to enable level control of the local inputs versus network inputs assigned to feed the line outputs or the headphone outputs. The unit can be mic stand mounted.
The Red 16Line interface provides both DigiLink connectors and Thunderbolt connections, allowing users to switch from Pro Tools | HD to other applications. The host mode can be changed either in the remote control software or on the device’s front panel. For those used to having to build two different mixes – one using input monitoring to overdub, the other using the DAW for playback – one interface is now enough.
On both interfaces, the two digitally-controlled Red Evolution mic preamps provide up to 63dB of gain along with stereo linking, individually switchable phantom power, high-pass filter, phase reverse and, for the classic Focusrite ISA pre-amp sound, the Air mode.



Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2017

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