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Assessing Accessibility within the Recording Industry for Engineers and Producers with Vision Loss

As recording technology shifts primarily to digital interfaces, these highly graphics-based solutions present potential access issues for the millions of Americans who identify as blind or low vision. This paper assessed the accessibility of recording technology for engineers and producers with vision loss in the U.S, and what potential roles financial and societal accessibility barriers play in the broader discussion of accessibility and career success. A mixed-methods approach was employed, including an online survey of 57 participants, with and without vision loss, as well as interviews with industry experts. Findings revealed that while users with vision loss had more difficulty navigating recording software, they navigated basic keyboard-shortcut tasks better than those without vision loss. Financial burdens, societal issues, and lack of practical opportunities were recognized as significant barriers to success for recording professionals with vision loss despite the accessibility of technology. This paper provides suggestions for improving the navigability of recording technology and the broader recording industry barriers, and proposes that future research take the extensive survey data collected to conduct further in depth and scientific analysis.

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