AES New York 2013
Workshop W15
Friday, October 18, 6:30 pm — 8:00 pm (Room 1E11)
W15 - Sex, Lies, and Surroundtapes—What Happened to All the Fun in the World?
Chair:Florian Camerer, ORF - Austrian TV - Vienna, Austria; EBU - European Broadcasting Union
Ronald Prent, Wisseloord Studios - Eemnes, Netherlands
Bosse Ternstrom, Swedish Radio
Surround Sound is again rising—literally, as height channels appear and immerse the listener in three dimensions. But what about good ol' 5.1? Have we mastered it to the point where we are in desperate need for new challenges? Two nostalgic veterans of 5.1, Bosse Ternstrom from Swedish Radio and Florian Camerer from Austrian TV, will play their “20 golden 5.1 hits” and muse about the sex appeal of the tracks as well as slay some potential dragons and lies (LFE! :-))... Come by for an evening listening session to heighten your senses—and also to enjoy some of the great mixes of Maestro George Massenburg, presented by the man himself!