The AES Knowledge Center

The AES is many things, but perhaps first and foremost it is where the broad worldwide audio community comes together to share knowledge and promote a healthy evolving industry. Many forums exist at an AES Convention for sharing knowledge in the Technical Program– the research papers, workshops, tutorials, master’s classes, etc. The AES works to limit commercial presentations within the Technical Program, to keep things balanced and to protect the sanctity of the science. But that doesn’t mean commercial presentations are unwelcome at AES Conventions. Many businesses and their employees have important knowledge to share with their customers and other members of the audio community.

The Knowledge Center is a forum where these companies can share information on essentially any subject; including product information, demonstrations, product training and general applications training. The Knowledge Center is an evolution of the previous "Exhibitor Seminars" and last year's "Audio Industry Seminars." Knowledge Center presentations do not require peer review or an invitation to present and the commercial restrictions in the Technical Program do not apply, though presenters are encouraged to keep their presentations as “information rich” as possible in the spirit of AES events.

The Knowledge Center delivers significant value:

       • Fully equipped room with A/V and seating
       • High profile location, centrally located within the Convention
       • Attendance is open to all registered Convention attendees, an All Access pass is not required to attend
       • Promotion in multiple Convention materials
       • Thousands of potential ears and eyes
       • Very few restrictions on presentation content
       • Available from 30 min to full-day sessions in convenient 30-min increments
       • Very cost effective
       • Available to both Convention exhibitors and non-exhibitors

The Knowledge Center for the 135th AES Convention in New York

Location - The Knowledge Center is in a very prominent location opposite the exit from the Technical Program and Special Events meeting rooms. The room is on the first floor of the Javits Center and the Exhibition is on the third floor directly above. We anticipate a significant amount of traffic in this area during the four days of the Convention.

Days and times The Knowledge Center schedule will coincide with the Technical Program:

ThursdayOct. 17th9am – 7pm (Exhibition is closed)
FridayOct. 18th9am – 7pm (Exhibition hours are 10am – 6pm)
SaturdayOct. 19th9am – 7pm (Exhibition hours are 10am – 6pm)
SundayOct. 20th9am – 6pm (Exhibition hours are 10am – 4pm)


Scheduling Sessions are scheduled to begin “on the half-hour” and sold in thirty-minute increments. Please be aware that each session includes the presentation time and an additional ten minutes, following the presentation, to allow the presenters to transition demonstration equipment as well as allow the new attendees to be seated. If 10 minutes is insufficient to complete your set-up/teardown and allow the following presenter to do the same, please reserve additional time and allow The Knowledge Center to remain on schedule.

Presenters are given the opportunity to select a preferred session time, however the final determination of the schedule will be done to ensure the seminar program and the Convention program complement each other. Also, the AES will not schedule a seminar on Thursday Oct. 17th, the day before the exhibition opens, without the consent of the presenter.

What is included?

Promotion - Your seminar abstract and scheduled day and time will be included in:
       • The Knowledge Center program handout
       • The Knowledge Center section in the AES 135th Mobile Convention App
       • The Knowledge Center section on the AES 135th Convention website
       • Your seminar title and scheduled day and time will be included in two strategically positioned meter board signs
Please keep in mind that the most effective promotional tools often come from the presenting company itself.

The Room, Seating and Supporting Equipment
       • Seating for approximately 100 attendees in a 30’ by 45’ room with 10’ ceilings
       • Podium with microphone
       • Table and 4 chairs
       • Video projector with VGA and HDMI inputs
       • Audio PA system which includes powered speakers, small mixer, wireless microphone headset, stereo RCA and XLR inputs for audio playback devices (No operator is included to operate the mixer)


   Presentation Time      Exhibitor Price      Non-Exhibitor Price   
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
20 min$325$3,125
50 min$650$3,450
80 min$975$3,775
110 min$1,300$4,100
20 min$225$2,150
50 min$450$2,400
80 min$675$2,650
110 min$900$2,875
Please contact AES Sales to request a presentation longer than 110 min.


Thursday is the first day of the Technical Program and the day before the Exhibition opens.

Please note each session includes the presentation time and an additional ten minutes, following the presentation, for set-up and audience transition time. Additional set-up time is available by registering for a longer session.

Additional Notes:
       • The AES is not liable or responsible for the content or claims made by individual presenters or companies.
       • The registration deadline is Friday, September 20 for your session to be included in the printed materials.
       • The final registration deadline is Monday, September 30. However, your session may not be listed in the printed materials and the available presentation days and times will be limited.

Signing Up

Credit Card: Click here to pay for your seminar(s) using the prices in the above chart.

Check or Money Order: Contact Sales and Request an Invoice

If you've already paid, enter your details below.


Deborah Rice-Sonoda              Kathleen Mackay
Sales ManagerorPhone: +1 516-409-4693
+1 513-895-2051 Cell: +1 516-724-0639
send email

Enter Details of Your Seminar(s)

Exhibitors Should Login Here:

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Non-Exhibitors Can Use This Button:

EXHIBITION HOURS October 18th 10am ��� 6pm October 19th 10am ��� 6pm October 20th 10am ��� 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 16th 3pm ��� 7pm October 17th 8am ��� 6pm October 18th 8am ��� 6pm October 19th 8am ��� 6pm October 20th 8am ��� 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 17th 9am ��� 7pm October 18th 9am ��� 7pm October 19th 9am ��� 7pm October 20th 9am ��� 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society