AES New York 2013
Broadcast and Streaming Media Session B2

Thursday, October 17, 10:30 am — 12:00 pm (Room 1E08)

B2 - Audio for 4K TV

Jonathan Abrams, Nutmeg Post - New York, NY, USA
Robert Bleidt, Fraunhofer USA Digital Media Technologies - San Jose, CA, USA
Tim Carroll, Linear Acoustic Inc. - Lancaster, PA, USA
Dave Casey, DTS
Poppy Crum, Dolby Laboratories - San Francisco, CA, USA
Robert Orban, Orban - San Leandro, CA, USA
Robert Reams, Psyx Research
Jim Starzynski, NBC Universal - New York, NY, USA

4K Television is the future. Video will be improved but what is happening to the audio? How will audio enhance the video experience? This panel will discuss television’s future sound.

Return to Broadcast and Streaming Media Sessions

EXHIBITION HOURS October 18th 10am – 6pm October 19th 10am – 6pm October 20th 10am – 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 16th 3pm – 7pm October 17th 8am – 6pm October 18th 8am – 6pm October 19th 8am – 6pm October 20th 8am – 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 17th 9am – 7pm October 18th 9am – 7pm October 19th 9am – 7pm October 20th 9am – 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society