AES New York 2013
Broadcast & Streaming Media Track Event T1
Thursday, October 17, 9:00 am — 10:30 am (Room 1E13)
Tutorial: T1 - FXpertise: Compression
Presenter:Alex Case, University of Massachusetts Lowell - Lowell, MA, USA
Compressors were invented to control dynamic range. The next day, engineers started doing so much more—increasing loudness, improving intelligibility, adding distortion, extracting ambience, and, most importantly, reshaping timbre. This diversity of signal processing possibilities is realized only indirectly, by choosing the right compressor for the job and coaxing the parameters of ratio, threshold, attack, and release into place. Learn when to reach for compression, know a good starting place for compressor settings, and advance your understanding of what to listen for and which way to tweak.