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AES Amsterdam 2008 Workshop W12 Sunday, May 18, 12:00 — 13:00
Chair: Dave Haydon, Out Board, UK Panelists: Tom Strebel, Audiopool - Switzerland Cees Wagenaar - Peutz, The Netherlands Robin Whittaker, Out Board Electronics - UK Karsten Wolstadt, Danish Royal Theatre - Denmark
Abstract: Directional amplification, also referred to as Source Oriented Reinforcement (SOR), describes a practical technique to deliver amplified sound to a large listening area with even coverage while providing directional information to reinforce visual cues and create a realistic and noncontradictory auditory panorama. Audio demonstrations of the fundamental psychoacoustic techniques employed in an SOR design will be presented and limits discussed. The panel of presenters will outline the history of SOR from Steinke & Fels pioneering work with their Delta Stereophony System in the mid 1970s (later licensed to AKG) to Out Boards current-day TiMax Audio Imaging Delay Matrix including the very latest ground breaking technology employed to enable control of precedence by radar tracking the actors on the stage. Descriptions of venues and productions that have employed SOR include the new Copenhagen Royal Theatre Drama House, Einsiedeln Welttheater 2007, the opera Aïda in Rotterdam Ahoy and Basel Tattoo among others. TiMax, a DSP-based audio control system, was launched in 1997 and has since received a number of industry awards for innovation. TiMax has become synonymous with the techniques for localization of sound in theaters and auditoria, and was one of the first commercially available products offering dynamic control of time delay and level for recreating realism in sound reinforcement.
"Human ability to determine the direction from which sound arrives is due to binaural hearing, the brain being able to detect differences between sounds received by the two ears from the same source and thus to determine angular direction." Alan Blumlein 1931
"If two successive sounds are heard as fused, the location of the total sound is determined largely by the location of the first arriving sound. This, among other things, stops you getting confused when a sound comes at you from two speakers or audio sources at once." Helmut Haas 1946
Last Updated: 20080612, tendeloo