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AES Amsterdam 2008 Poster Session P17
P17 - Analysis and Synthesis of Sound, Part 2
Monday, May 19, 11:30 — 13:00
P17-1 Structural Segmentation of Music Using Set Accented Tones—Cillian Kelly, Mikel Gainza, David Dorran, Eugene Coyle, Dublin Institute of Technology - Dublin, Ireland An approach that efficiently segments Irish Traditional Music into its constituent structural segments is presented. The complexity of the segmentation process is greatly increased due to melodic variation existent within this music type. In order to deal with these variations, a novel method using “set accented tones” is introduced. The premise is that these tones are less susceptible to variation than all other tones. Thus, the location of the accented tones is estimated and pitch information is extracted at these specific locations. Following this, a vector containing the pitch values is used to extract similar patterns using heuristics specific to Irish Traditional Music. The robustness of the approach is evaluated using a set of commercial Irish Traditional recordings. Convention Paper 7423 (Purchase now)
P17-2 AnClaS3: A Blackboard-Based Cooperative Framework for Sound Separation—Antonio Pena, Norberto Degara-Quintela, Manuel Sobreira-Seoane, Universidade de Vigo - Vigo, Spain; Soledad Torres-Guijarro, Laboratorio Oficial de Metroloxía de Galicia (LOMG) - Tecnópole, Ourense, Spain Blackboard modeling provides a great flexibility in structuring complex problems and a robust adaptation to the conditions of the signal to be analyzed, adding both bottom-up and top-down capabilities to the system. AnClaS3 (Analysis, Classification, and Synthesis for Sound Separation) is a cooperative project where five research groups collaborate integrating algorithms and developing new separation methods. This contribution defines a blackboard-based framework where four blackboard-based systems interact to integrate the expertise of independent research groups in order to solve a sound separation problem. Convention Paper 7424 (Purchase now)
P17-3 Analysis and Synthesis of Audio Vibrato Using Harmonic Sinusoids—Wen Xue, Mark Sandler, Queen Mary, University of London - London, UK This paper introduces the analysis and synthesis of vibrato in music audio. The analyzer separates frequency modulators from their carriers using a demodulation process. It then describes the frequency variations of a vibrato using a period-synchronized parameter set and the accompanying amplitude variations using a source-filter model, both of which can be regarded slow-varying. The synthesizer, on the other hand, reconstructs a vibrato from a given set of parameters. Using this system we are able to retrieve specific characteristics of vibratos, or modify them to implement various audio effects. Convention Paper 7425 (Purchase now)
P17-4 Distortion Analysis and Reduction for the Parametric Array—Ee-Leng Tan, Woon-Seng Gan, Nanyang Technological University - Singapore; PeiFeng Ji, Jun Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing, China In this paper distortion analysis and reduction for the parametric array loudspeaker is being presented. The parametric loudspeaker has been found useful in generating a highly directional sound beam. However, due to the nonlinear interaction of ultrasonic wave in air, several undesired harmonic distortions have been generated. Conventional approaches in reducing the distortion have not created satisfying solutions. A new approach capable of further reducing the distortion has been proposed in this paper. Several simulation results are being carried out in this work to test and compare the effectiveness of this proposed solution with conventional approaches. Convention Paper 7426 (Purchase now)
P17-5 Piano "Forte Pedal" Analysis and Detection—Antony Schutz, EURECOM Institute - Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France; Valentin Emiya, Telecom Paris Tech - Paris, France; Dirk T. M. Slock, EURECOM Institute - Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France; Bertrand David, Roland Badeau, Telecom Paris Tech - Paris, France In this paper we describe some features of the Forte Pedal piano effect and propose a method for detecting it through signal analysis. The detection method is applied to single tones recorded for this purpose. The Forte Pedal is found to increase the decay time of partials. In fact, this effect dominates the behavior of the partials, in not only the duration, but also the evolution. When the sustain pedal is used, a floor noise appears for all the notes of the piano. Here, after the analysis of some relevant characteristics we provide a method based on harmonic plus noise decomposition for analyzing the residual and decide if the pedal is pressed or not. Convention Paper 7427 (Purchase now)
Last Updated: 20080612, tendeloo