AES Milan 2018
Signal Processing Track Event W01
Wednesday, May 23, 09:15 — 10:15 (Scala 3)
Workshop: W01 - Designing for High Speech Intelligibility
Chair:Dirk Noy, WSDG - Basel, Switzerland
Obtaining a high speech intelligibility in large, voluminous spaces such as stadia or airports can be challenging; however, due to the requirements for audience information and entertainment as well as the criteria for emergency announcements the audio systems play a relevant role in safely operating any large public gathering place. This presentation outlines concepts of designing audio systems for high speech intelligibility. Further topics include the challenges introduced by non-optimal, reverberant room acoustics and their possibly detrimental effects towards Speech Intelligibility. A range of solution strategies will be presented based both on room acoustical and electro acoustical approaches. The presentation will conclude with a number of case studies, including Zurich Airport Checkin 2 Remodeling and KKL Lucerne Concert Hall Electroacoustics Refurbishment.