AES Rome 2013
Sound for Pictures Track Event Details
Saturday, May 4, 14:15 — 16:15 (Sala Alighieri)
Workshop: W3 - Sound Mixers Discuss Their Craft
Chair:Brian McCarty, Coral Sea Studios Pty. Ltd - Clifton Beach, QLD, Australia
Marco Coppolecchia, Technicolor - Rome, Italy
Simone Corelli, Post in Europe - Rome, Italy; Cesma - Lugano, Switzerland
Carlos Zarattini, Discovery Networks Italy - Milan, Italy
Cinema sound has traditionally been limited in fidelity because optical soundtracks, used until recently, were incapable of delivering full-bandwidth audio to the theaters. As digital cinema replaces film in distribution, sound mixers are now delivering uncompressed lossless tracks to the audience. Leading sound mixers from both Hollywood and Europe will discuss their approach and methodology in producing award-winning soundtracks.
Saturday, May 4, 16:30 — 18:30 (Sala Alighieri)
Tutorial: T3 - Music Production for Film
Presenter:Simon Franglen, Class1 Media - Los Angeles; London
Music production is the last piece of the production puzzle to be undertaken in a film production. It occurs after the film is edited and just prior to sound mixing. The composers have developed new tools to prepare the music including temp synth scores and other techniques. Simon Franglin is a Golden Globe nominee and has worked on Avatar, Titanic, and Skyfall 007, among many others.
Sunday, May 5, 10:00 — 11:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Tutorial: T5 - 3-D Audio—Produce the New Dimension
Presenter:Tom Ammermann, New Audio Technology GmbH - Hamburg, Germany
This workshop will have two parts. The first will be a presentation where new experiences and different ways to handle the different approaches like film, music, and radio plays will be shown. Complete sessions will be opened and production experiences, editing, as well as workflows and possibilities to delivery 3-D/spatial content into the common market will be shown and discussed.
The second part of this workshopwill be a Q & A session while a group of max. 10 participants can listen and work with 3-D content via a sophisticated 3D speaker virtualization on headphones.
Sunday, May 5, 11:45 — 13:15 (Sala Alighieri)
Loudness Day: L4 - Are Movies Too Loud? The Loudness Race Reaches the Cinema
Presenters:Florian Camerer, ORF - Austrian TV - Vienna, Austria; EBU - European Broadcasting Union
Eelco Grimm, Grimm Audio - Utrecht, Netherlands
Cinema operators are on the receiving end of growing numbers of complaints from the audience of soundtracks that are "too loud." Just turning them down results in lowered dialog levels, which leaves the movie quieter but unintelligible. The EU has loudness standards that are now starting to be applied to cinemas. There is a possible need for standards to ensure the theaters are given soundtracks that meet EU laws. This workshop will investigate the issues involved and the work necessary to resolve the issues.
Sunday, May 5, 14:30 — 16:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Workshop: W5 - Cinema Sound—Acoustical and Calibration Issues
Chair:Brian McCarty, Coral Sea Studios Pty. Ltd - Clifton Beach, QLD, Australia
David Murphy, Krix Loudspeakers - Hackham, South Australia
Philip Newell
First, we will take a theoretical look at the problems of cinema sound and shortcomings in the current SMPTE standards and testing methodology.
Then we will explore a practical look at the perils of on-site measurements and the application of new standards to the calibration of sound systems in cinemas.
Sunday, May 5, 16:30 — 18:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Workshop: W6 - Design and Build of First Atmos-Equipped Dubbing Theater
Chair:Brian McCarty, Coral Sea Studios Pty. Ltd - Clifton Beach, QLD, Australia
Philip Newell
With immersive sound being talked about as the "next generation sound" for cinema and TV, this workshop will discuss in detail the design, construction, and commissioning of the world's first Atmos-equipped dubbing stage in Moscow, Russia.
Monday, May 6, 09:00 — 12:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Workshop: W7 - Multichannel Immersive Audio Formats for 3-D Cinema and Home Theater
Chair:Christof Faller, Illusonic GmbH - Uster, Switzerland
Brian Claypool, Barco
Kimio Hamasaki, NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories - Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan
Wilfried Van Baelen, Auro Technologies - Mol, Belgium
Several new immersive sound formats are under active consideration for cinema soundtrack production. Each was developed to create realistic sound "motion" and "immerse" the audience in a more realistic soundfield. This workshop is a repeat of the program presented at AES 133 in San Francisco, with the proponents of four of the leading immersive sound systems to discuss their specific technologies.