AES Rome 2013
Sound for Pictures Track Event T5
Sunday, May 5, 10:00 — 11:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Tutorial: T5 - 3-D Audio—Produce the New Dimension
Presenter:Tom Ammermann, New Audio Technology GmbH - Hamburg, Germany
This workshop will have two parts. The first will be a presentation where new experiences and different ways to handle the different approaches like film, music, and radio plays will be shown. Complete sessions will be opened and production experiences, editing, as well as workflows and possibilities to delivery 3-D/spatial content into the common market will be shown and discussed.
The second part of this workshopwill be a Q & A session while a group of max. 10 participants can listen and work with 3-D content via a sophisticated 3D speaker virtualization on headphones.