AES New York 2009
Workshop W8

Saturday, October 10, 10:30 am — 11:15 am

W8 - Interacting with Semantic Audio—Bridging the Gap between Humans and Algorithms

Michael Hlatky, Hochschule Bremen (University of Applied Sciences) - Bremen, Germany
Rebecca Fiebrink, Princeton University - Princeton, NJ, USA
Peter Grosche, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - Saarbrücken, Germany
Sebastian Heise, Hochschule Bremen (University of Applied Sciences) - Bremen, Germany
Jay LeBoeuf, Imagine Research - San Francisco, CA, USA
Jörn Loviscach, Fachhochschule Bielefeld (University of Applied Sciences) - Bielefeld, Germany
Michela Magas, Goldsmiths, University of London - London, UK
Vincent Verfaille, McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Technologies under the heading "Semantic Audio" have undergone a fascinating development in the past few years. Hundreds of algorithms have been developed; first applications have made their way from research into possible mainstream application. However, the current level of awareness among prospective users and the amount of actual practical use do not seem to live up to the potential of semantic audio technologies. We argue that this is more an issue concerning interface and interaction than a problem concerning the robustness of the applied algorithms or a lack of need in audio production. The panelists of this workshop offer ways to improve the usability of semantic audio techniques. They look into current applications in off-the-shelf products, discuss the use in a variety of specialized applications such as custom-tailored archival solutions, demonstrate and showcase their own developments in interfaces for semantic audio, and propose future directions in interface and interaction development for semantic audio technologies ranging from audio file retrieval to intelligent audio effects.

The second half of this workshop includes hands-on interactive experiences provided by the panel.