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AES Munich 2009 Workshop W22 Sunday, May 10, 14:30 — 16:30
W22 - MPEG SAOC: Interactive Audio and Broadcasting, Music 2.0, Next Generation Telecommunication
Chair: Oliver Hellmuth, Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany Panelists: Jonas Engdegård, Dolby - Stockholm, Sweden Christof Faller, Illusonic LLC - Lausanne, Switzerland Jürgen Herre, Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany Werner Oomen, Philips Applied Technologies - Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Abstract: Recently the ISO/MPEG standardization group launched an activity for bit rate-efficient and backward compatible coding of multiple sound objects that heavily exploits the human perception of spatial sound. On the receiving side, such a "Spatial Audio Object Coding" (SAOC) system renders the transmitted objects interactively into a sound scene on any desired reproduction. Based on the SAOC technology elegant solutions for Interactive Audio and Broadcasting, Music 2.0, Next Generation Telecommunication become feasible. The workshop reviews the ideas and principles behind Spatial Audio Object Coding, especially highlighting its possibilities and benefits for those new types of applications. Additionally, the potential of SAOC is illustrated by means of real-time demonstrations.