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AES Munich 2009 Poster Session P6
P6 - Multichannel Coding
Thursday, May 7, 14:00 — 15:30
P6-1 Adaptive Predictive Modeling of Stereo LPC with Application to Lossless Audio Compression—Florin Ghido, Ioan Tabus, Tampere University of Technology - Tampere, Finland We propose a novel method for exploiting the redundancy of stereo linear prediction coefficients by using adaptive linear prediction for the coefficients themselves. We show that an important proportion of the stereo linear prediction coefficients, on both the intrachannel and the interchannel parts, still contains important redundancy inherited from the signal. We can therefore significantly reduce the amplitude range of those LP coefficients by using adaptive linear prediction with orders up to 4, separately on the intrachannel and intrachannel parts. When integrated into asymmetrical OptimFROG, the new method obtains on average 0.29 percent improvement in compression with negligible increase in decoder complexity. Convention Paper 7666 (Purchase now)
P6-2 A Study of MPEG Surround Configurations and Its Performance Evaluation—Evelyn Kurniawati, Samsudin Ng, Sapna George, ST Microelectronics Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. - Singapore The standardization of MPEG Surround in 2007 opens a new range of possibility for low bit rate multichannel audio encoding. While ensuring backward compatibility with legacy decoder, MPEG Surround offers various configurations to upmix to the desired number of channels. The downmix stream, which can be in mono or stereo format, can be passed to transform, hybrid, or any other types of encoder. These options give us more than one possible combination to encode a multichannel stream at a specific bit rate. This paper presents a comparative study between those options in terms of their quality performance that will help us choose the most suitable configuration of MPEG Surround in a range of operating bit rate. Convention Paper 7667 (Purchase now)
P6-3 Lossless Compression of Spherical Microphone Array Recordings—Erik Hellerud, U. Peter Svensson, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Trondheim, Norway The amount of spatial redundancy for recordings from a spherical microphone array is evaluated using a low delay lossless compression scheme. The original microphone signals, as well as signals transformed to the spherical harmonics domain, are investigated. It is found that the correlation between channels is, as expected, very high for the microphone signals, in several di?erent acoustical environments. For the signals in the spherical harmonics domain, the compression gain from using inter-channel prediction is reduced, since this conversion results in many channels with low energy. Several alternatives for reducing the coding complexity are also investigated. Convention Paper 7668 (Purchase now)