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AES Munich 2009 Poster Session P26
P26 - Room Acoustics and Loudspeaker Interaction
Sunday, May 10, 10:30 — 12:00
P26-1 Acoustic Design of Classrooms—Suthikshn Kumar, PESIT - Bangalore, India Acoustic principles when used effectively in classroom design can improve the audibility of the professor in dramatic way. The cost-effective way to enhance the acoustics serves several purposes: Less speaking effort on the part of the lecturer; students can easily hear the lecturer more clearly; improved communication and, hence, improved learning experience. Several improvements can be done to the classroom architecture to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, reduce reverberation, and background noise. We propose an innovative way of providing parabolic reflectors near the platform for amplifying the lecturer’s voice. This paper focuses on the cost-effective, energy efficient acoustic design of classrooms. Convention Paper 7796 (Purchase now)
P26-2 Epidaurus: Comments on the Acoustics of the Legendary Ancient Greek Theater—Christos Goussios, Christos Sevastiadis, Kalliopi Chourmouziadou, George Kalliris,, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Thessaloniki, Greece The ancient Greek theaters and especially the well preserved theater of Epidaurus are of great interest because of their legendary acoustic characteristics. In the present paper the history and the construction characteristics of the specific theater are presented. The differences between the ancient and modern use of it are explained. Important acoustic parameters calculated using in situ measurements are presented. The conclusions show the relation between its excellent acoustic performance and the obtained results. Convention Paper 7797 (Purchase now)
P26-3 A Matlab Toolbox for the Analysis of Ando’s Factors—Dario D'Orazio, Paolo Guidorzi, Massimo Garai, University of Bologna - Bologna, Italy The autocorrelation and crosscorrelation functions analysis, as well-known in literature, obtains remarkable results in different scientific fields. The autocorrelation function (ACF) and the interaural crosscorrelation function (IACF) analysis in architectural acoustics is known thanks to Y. Ando's work. The Toolbox presented in this work has been developed in order to compute Ando's significant and spatial factors (as the factors obtained from ACF and IACF are called), to subjective preference functions and to investigate further applications. Convention Paper 7798 (Purchase now)