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AES Munich 2009 Paper Session P2
P2 - Audio for Games and Interactive Media
Thursday, May 7, 09:00 — 11:30
Chair: Michael Kelly
P2-1 Viable Distribution of Multichannel Audio-over-IP for Live and Interactive “Voice Talent”-Based Gaming Using High-Quality, Low-Latency Audio Codec Technology—Gregory Massey, APT - Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK The delivery of multichannel audio—from mono to surround sound—in real-time over public IP networks for the purpose of interactive crowd-participant gaming presents a significant design engineering challenge to games developers, console manufacturers, ISPs, and CDNs. Leveraging expertise gained in professional broadcasting and recording studio postproduction, APT has developed a robust and scalable audio codec technology that meshes with popular gaming systems to realize low-latency distribution of high-quality audio for immersive, instantaneous audio experiences in massively multi-player online games involving interactive audience responses to vocal/singing talent.
Paper will be presented by David Trainor. Convention Paper 7656 (Purchase now)
P2-2 Elevator: Emotional Tracking Using Audio/Visual Interaction—Basileios Psarras, Andreas Floros, Marianna Strapatsakis, Ionian University - Corfu, Greece The research interest on modeling everyday human emotions and controlling them through typical multimedia content (i.e., audio and video data) has recently increased. In this paper an interactive methodology is introduced for detecting, controlling, and tracking emotions. Based on the above methodology, an interactive audiovisual installation termed “Elevator” was realized, aiming to analyze and manipulate simple emotions of the participants (such as anger) using simplified emotion detection audio signal processing techniques and specifically selected combined audio/visual content. As a result, the human emotions are “elevated” to pre-defined levels and appropriately mapped to visual content, which corresponds to the emotional “thumbnail” of the participants. Convention Paper 7657 (Purchase now)
P2-3 Applications of Bending Wave Technology in Human Interface Devices—Neil Harris, New Transducers Ltd. (NXT) - Cambridge, UK The application of bending-waves to so-called “flat panel loudspeakers” has often been the topic of papers at AES Conventions. This paper looks at other interesting applications of the technology that have, or are beginning to have commercial pull. These applications are also part of the interface between human and machine, but focus on the sense of touch rather than of hearing. The idea of a touch screen is not a new but is only now becoming ubiquitous with a new generation of devices, typified by the i-Phone. If touch sensors are the analog of the microphone, then haptic feedback generators are the analog of the loudspeaker. Bending waves are beginning to find application here too. Convention Paper 7658 (Purchase now)
P2-4 Designing Auditory Display Menu Interfaces—Cues for Users' Current Location in Extensive Menus—Erik Sikström; Jan Berg, Luleå University of Technology - Luleå, Sweden This paper reviews the current research in auditory display in search for design guidelines for presenting the contents in audio-only menu interfaces. The aim of the review is to find new directions for auditory display menu interface design. Among several techniques for representing individual menu items the preliminary results show that the spearcon seems to be the most suitable method. For the layout of menu items, studies have shown that spatial separation, different timbres, and staggering onset between the items improves recognition rates, particularly for concurrently presented items. A remaining issue to be investigated is how to remind the user of her current location in the menus of extensive menu interfaces. Convention Paper 7659 (Purchase now)
P2-5 Symmetry Model-Based Key Finding—Markus Mehnert, Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau, Germany; Gabriel Gatzsche, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Daniel Arndt, Fraunhofer IIS - Ilmenau, Germany In this paper we introduce a new key finding algorithm that is based on the symmetry model introduced by Gatzsche et al. The algorithm consists of two parts. First, the most probable diatonic pitch class set of the musical piece is recognized. Second, using one of the subspaces of the symmetry model the mode of the piece is estimated. The algorithm is evaluated with 100 Beatles songs, 90 newer “Pop and Rock” songs, and 252 classical pieces from the Naxos database. The results will be compared to the algorithms of Lerch, Zhu et al., and an algorithm based on binary major and minor chord profiles. The new algorithm has the highest overall key finding MIREX’05 score of 82.9 percent. Convention Paper 7660 (Purchase now)