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P28 - Audio in Computers (Games, Internet, and Desktop Computer Audio)

Tuesday, May 8, 15:30 — 16:30

Chair: Gregor Widholm, Musikuniversität Wien - Austria

P28-1 A Distributed Real-Time Virtual Acoustic Rendering System for Dynamic GeometriesRaine Kajastila, Samuel Siltanen, Helsinki University of Technology - Espoo, Finland; Peter Lundén, Interactive Institute - Stockholm, Sweden; Tapio Lokki, Lauri Savioja, Helsinki University of Technology - Espoo, Finland
A novel room acoustic simulation system capable of producing interactive sound environments in dynamic and complex 3-D geometries is introduced. The system is distributed to several modules that share the same 3-D geometry. All changes made by one module are immediately updated in all other modules in real time. The auralization tools of the system include a geometry reduction tool, a beam tracing algorithm, and a sound rendering application. The geometry reduction simplifies 3-D models for a beam tracing module that forwards direct sound and early reflection paths for sound rendering. The sound rendering application contains an automatic estimation of late reverberation parameters, based on early reflections.
Convention Paper 7160 (Purchase now)

P28-2 To Create Spatial Auditory Events via More Channel Headphones Related on Portable 5.1 / 5.0 Surround Reproductions of SoundFlorian Koenig, ULTRASONE AG - Tutzing, Germany
In the future portable surround devices will be the successor of stereo applications in games, cell/mobile phone applications or mp3-players. This portable technique evolution needs world-wide compatible electro-acoustic headphones without any “mean” HRTF (head-related transfer function) or binaural DSP (digital signal processing). Such headphones offer natural and realistic 3-D images of sound with a minimum of elevation effects and a virtual distance perception front and back. The individualized HRTF, for instance, made by a near-field offset/de-centric headphone loudspeaker placement at the ear-cups offers measurable advantages in regards to a “mean” HRTF via DSP. Past AES conferences presented papers stating further problems such as the compatible downmix of 5.1 to 2.0 signals mainly due to DSP based headphones, but also to remind to the 4.0 downmix seeing 4-channel surround sound headphones. As well discussing the connections of headphones we need to remember that there should be available a standardized vario 3.5” jack for stereo and more channel signal supply. This paper presents the basics of how to realize this spatial auditory event via 4-channel headphones plus the mode of a direct audio signal supply that is loudspeaker compatible.
Convention Paper 7161 (Purchase now)