
Last Updated: 20060908, mei
Friday, October 6, 1:30 pm — 3:30 pm
Presenters: Kelly Fitz, Starkey Hearing Research Center - Berkeley, CA, USA Lippold Haken, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - IL, USA
Abstract: Sound morphing has been used to synthesize the voices of aliens and talking fish and a wide variety of sound effects in sound tracks and popular music. This tutorial will present a variety of techniques that are used to create hybrid sounds or to impart the characteristics of one sound onto another. We will discuss various sound models and techniques for interpolation in the model domain and the construction of filter and resonator systems that shape the spectrum of one sound by the spectrum of another. We will present the principles underlying the different algorithms and considerations for implementing them. Different morphing techniques are suited to different kinds of source sounds, achieve different effects, and are vulnerable to different artifacts. We will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods, and the variety of sounds and effects produced by each one. We will illustrate the capabilities of each method and give live demonstrations under real time control. We will morph machines, mammals, musical instruments, and anything else we can get our converters on.