Last Updated: 20060803, mei
Sunday, October 8, 11:30 am — 1:30 pm
Presenters: David Ackerman, Harvard College Library Audio Preservation Services - Cambridge, MA, USA Chris Lacinak, Independent - Brooklyn, NY, USA
Abstract: We are currently in a gap between the leap away from open reel tape and the upcoming commonplace digital repository solution available to those outside of main stream commercial business and large institutions. Currently, and in anticipation of the exodus from tape, there are many audio archives that are using formats that are “questionable” in their ability to serve the role of preservation. The stand-ins have been CD-R, DAT, and digital files stored in any number of ways. In recognition that there is actually no format that can serve the role of preservation in and of itself this tutorial aims to offer guidance on strategies for preservation given the challenges of predominant formats. Conversation will include defining the main challenges for each format and an associated appropriate strategy for storage and migration with preservation as the goal. This would include a list of available and used formats, associated challenges, recommended lifecycle/refresh rates and migration strategies.