Last Updated: 20060831, mei
Sunday, October 8, 9:00 am — 11:00 am
Presenters: Durand Begault, Charles M. Salter Associates - San Francisco, CA, USA Eddy B. Brixen, ebb-consult - Smørum, Denmark Gordon Ried, CEDAR Audio Ltd. - Cambridge, UK Richard Sanders, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center - Denver, CO, USA Lise-Lotte Tjellesen, Consultant - Ceacon Espergaerde, Denmark
Abstract: This 2-hour tutorial will give an overview of the technical procedures and challenges for those working in the field of forensic audio. It is presented by members of the recently formed Technical Committee on Audio Forensics. Topics include an overview of the field; crime scene analysis; speech recording enhancement; authentication; voice analysis; and future areas and challenges.
• What is Forensic Audio? (EBB)
• Enhancement and transcription of noisy recordings. (DRB)
• An overview of adaptive and other filtering in audio forensic investigation. (GR)
• Crime Scene Analysis from an acoustical point of view. (LLWT)
• Audio Forensics at CU-Denver and the proposed National Center for Audio/Video Forensics (RS)