Last Updated: 20060817, mei
Friday, October 6, 4:00 pm — 6:00 pm
Presenter: Paul Stubblebine, Paul Stubblebine Mastering & DVD - San Francisco, CA, USA
Abstract: We will start with just enough of the history of mastering to give some perspective to today's practice. We will settle once and for all the questions that have plagued philosophers for centuries: Is mastering a technical job or an aesthetic one? Do we fix a recording's drawbacks and flaws, or enhance its good qualities? We will discuss the advantages and difficulties of various formats, both for delivery to mastering and delivery to manufacturing. There will be a discussion of the role of monitoring in the mastering process and how that relates to the many varied playback environments that the recording may encounter after release. We will pay special attention to good engineering practice relative to handling digital audio in the mastering stage, including sample rate and bit depth reduction. The secret to creating a "hit" MIGHT be revealed.