About the Audio Engineering Society
AES E-News: March 10, 2009 - 127th Convention Survey, Author Note, New Tutorials and Journal Issue

1. 127th Convention Survey
2. AES Journal Forum
3. New Tutorials Posted
4. Author Note - 37th Conference
5. January/February AES Journal Available Online

AES 127th Convention - New York, NY, USA 127th Convention Survey
The 127th AES Convention (Oct. 9-12, 2009, New York) wants your help and direction in creating the most timely and highest caliber conference program. As such, we are soliciting input from former attendees and exhibitors to provide topic ideas and recommended speakers for sessions in the technical program of the Convention.

The Convention Committee will review your suggestions to assure that this year's program has an especially broad and relevant appeal to members of the professional audio community. You can participate in this survey by clicking here.

JAES AES Journal Forum
Would you like to see what other AES members are saying about articles in the Journal? Click here to view the ongoing discussion threads among members and authors. As an AES member you can join any of the ongoing discussions or comment on an article and start a new discussion.

AES Journal Podcast New Tutorials Posted
The latest in our series of online tutorials is now available. Members can now view a tutorial on Audio File Interchange Formats given by Mark Yonge and also a tutorial on Small Room Acoustics given by Ben Kok, both given at the 124th Convention. They can be accessed on our Tutorials page. Please note that during the pilot phase for this project these tutorials are only available to view online in streamed form and there is no downloadable version. We welcome your feedback about these tutorials, which can be provided by clicking on the link below the presentation.

Also available in our tutorials series is an informative collection of slides and notes from a session on sigma-delta convertors, chaired by Josh Reiss at the 121st Convention. This includes ‘Introduction to Sigma-Delta Modulators’ by Jamie Angus; ‘Under the Hood of Sigma-Delta Converters’ by Bob Adams; ‘How Sigma Delta Modulators achieve high performance (and why they aren’t even better)’ by Josh Reiss; and ‘Delta-Sigma Converter Design for Audio: Using the Loop to Your Advantage’ by Brian Trotter.

The AES is grateful to the authors for making their work available to members in this form.

Author Note - 37th Conference
Authors, the deadline for submitting complete 4- to 10-page papers for the 37th AES Conference in Hillerød, Denmark is April 1.

JAES January/February AES Journal Is Available Online Here
This issue includes:
Editor's Note: paper review process
• Papers on:
      Optimizing Bandwidth for Multichannel Surround
      Dynamic Processing Using Parametric Equalizer Blocks
      Synthesizing Background Audio Texture of Indefinite Length
• Engineering Report on:
      Sigma–Delta Digital Loudspeaker Array Prototype
Feature: Novel Transducers
Call for Papers: 14th Regional Convention, Tokyo
Call for Papers: 127th Convention, New York
AES Standards Committee News
News of the Sections, Sound Track, etc.

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(C) 2009, Audio Engineering Society, Inc.