1. 126th Convention in Munich - Registration Extended
2. AES Latin America Conference 2009
3. April AES Journal Available Online
126th Convention in Munich - Registration Extended
AES Munich 2009
Conference: May 7-10
Exhibits: May 8-10
Advance Registration for the Munich convention has been extended
through May 5th so you still have time to
register for discounted admission.
We're continuing to update the technical program with last minute
changes so make sure to read about
all the exciting events happening in Munich next week!
AES Latin America Conference 2009
The city of São Paulo, Brazil welcomes the
AES Latin America
Conference 2009 which will occur May 26-28.
As the main entrance point for international flights and the country's
largest airline hub, São Paulo was a logical choice for hosting the
Conference. We expect a diverse and exciting group of engineers from
Brazil and all of Latin America to visit us on the three days of the
The technical program, the exhibits and the other events scheduled make
the AES conference the largest professional audio event on the
continent. It is a stage from which industry specialists showcase their
information and share their experiences with their fellow audio
April AES Journal Is Available Online Here
This issue includes:
• Papers on:
Sound-Field Homogeneity in Small Rooms
Localization of Sound Sources in Real and Virtual Rooms
Detecting and Tracking Tonelike Components
• Engineering Report on:
Using Virtualized Loudspeakers for Evaluation
• Tutorial: Audio Networking for the Pros
• 35th Conference Report, London
• 36th Conference Preview, Dearborn
• AES Standards Committee News
• News of the Sections, Sound Track, etc.
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