Audio Engineering Society Standards Committee

November 2001 meeting of SC-04-01

[Last printing 2 January 2002] Report of the SC-04-01 Working Group on Acoustics and Sound Source Modeling of the SC-04 Subcommittee on Acoustics meeting, held in conjunction with the AES 111th Convention in New York, New York, US, 2001-11-29

The chair of SC-05-05, B. Olson, convened the meeting. The agenda and the report from the previous meeting were approved as written.

Current development projects

AES-X05 Room and Source Simulators: Specification and Evaluation of Computer Models for Design and Auralization; Recommendations for Transportable Input and Output Files

No discussion took place.

AES-X70 Smoothing Digitally-derived Frequency Response Data on A Fractional Octave Basis

No discussion took place.

AES-X83 Loudspeaker Polar Radiation Measurements Suitable for Room Acoustics

B. Olson demonstrated the technical feasibility of importing a variety of data sets measured using the parameters recommended in X83-PWD-RC-010512.PDF. A full 5 degree data set of 2522 files, a half symmetrical 5 degree data set of 1297 files, and a full symmetrical 5 degree data set of 667 files were shown. Also shown were polar-only data sets.

All files were stored as impulse responses in Midrosoft Wave format. The file-naming mechanism avoids long-file-name issues by restricts names to an 8.3 format. This mechanism is operating-system-independent intended to across all platforms.

In it, all wave files should be stored in the form, IRXXXYYY.wav.

XXX represents a 3 digit value from 000 to 360 degrees of the angle for the meridian. This value is also called the horizontal or phi angle. When looking into the mouth of a horn pointed at the receiver, 0 degrees is to the right side and increases in a counter-clockwise direction. 90 degrees is to the top side looking into the mouth of a horn and 180 degrees is to the left side.

YYY represents a 3 digit value from 000 to 180 degrees of the angle for the parallels. This is also called the vertical or theta angle. 0 degrees is the on-axis aiming point.

All angle values are padded with zeroes to three places so that all file names are of a uniform length. This file-naming convention allows for up to 1 degree resolution data sets.

Data for sensitivity and impedance over the measured bandwidth should be stored in a text file with the extension 'txt'. The file name should be the filename used to designate the loudspeaker.

The files should be contained in a separate folder for each loudspeaker. The default name of this folder should be the same as that selected for the .txt filename.

AES-X108 Measurement of the acoustical and electroacoustic characteristics of personal computers

No discussion took place.

AES-X122 Loudspeaker Radiation and Acoustical Surface Data Measurements: How They Apply to Usage Environments

No discussion took place.

New projects

No project requests were received or introduced.

New Business

There was no new business

The next meeting is scheduled to be held in conjunction with the AES 112th Convention in Munich, Germany.

For more information about standards activity: [email protected]

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(C) 2002, Audio Engineering Society, Inc.