

SC-02-08 meeting, New York, 2013-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-02-08 Working Group on audio file transfer and exchange of the SC-02 Subcommittee on Digital Audio, held in New York, NY., US., 2013-10-17

The meeting was convened by chair M. Yonge.

The agenda and the report of previous meeting, held in Rome, 2013-05-04, were approved as written.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Open Projects

AES31-3-R, Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 3: Simple project interchange
This document is due for review in 2013. The meeting proposed to fix the outstanding Class-13 reference & reaffirm the standard as soon as convenient.

Development Projects

AES-X212, HRTF interchange format
The earlier draft has been updated - partly due to improvements by the writing group, partly prompted by requests from MPEG. A new draft is expected very soon from M. Noisternig.

The need for this document is urgent to support parallel MPEG and ECMA work. A secretariat-formatted draft is needed for working-grop approval as soon as possible.

M. Parmentier noted that, among other applications, broadcasters intend to use this format for binaural audio reproduction on their web site for tablets & phones.


Clemens Par encouraged the work on X212.

The chair pointed out that AES31-2 has been offered, and accepted, for international standardisation by IEC TC100 TA6 to suport their standardisation for audio archives.

New projects

No new projects were proposed.

New business

No new business was proposed.

The next face-to-face meeting will be held in conjunction with the AES 136th Convention, to be held in Berlin, Germany, 26 to 29 April 2014.

AES - Audio Engineering Society