Meeting Topic: AES Vancouver Chapter Exec Planning
Moderator Name: Gary Barclay
Other business or activities at the meeting:
AES Vancouver Chapter Minutes Local Exec Nov 26th 2011:
Paul Alegado
Gary Barclay
Reno Schembri
Maria Ho
Gary Osbourne
Planning for next meeting:
Sound Localization/Spacialization by Tim Bartoo and Sam Scanlan.?Demonstrate loudspeakers
Tim will supply loudspeakers. What else do they need equipment wise? Reno will ask Sam.
Location: possible Tom Lee Theatre on Granville. Reno will ask Tom Lee.
Paul will look at funding
Look at documenting lists of contacts of places.
Paul will make tickets for next event to allow for raffles.
N.J. to get list of AES members.
All members will look into bringing prizes for raffle draw
2012 meetings?
-The Warehouse?
- EA Games
-BC Place?
-YVR Fred Gulpin
- George Massenburg (Montreal)
-Daniel J. Levitin (Possible end of Feb)
-Spark Musuem
- Dude with large garage that houses cars and lots of old gear. Ask Harry Boyce
- Studio tour and movie. Nimbus School and "Here is what is" GGGarth Richardson. Mark Gordon contact about January event
Meeting Location: Vancouver ,BC
Written By: N.J. McDonnell