
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - October 31, 2022

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Today's meeting was laid-back due to low attendance.

Matthew Lindsay (President of AES at the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences) opened the meeting by asking all in attendance to answer the question, "Have you ever had a paranormal experience?" Some of the responses included; at a friends so-called haunted house, the drawer opened unexpectedly; talking PCM80, the presets kept answering questions somehow; lived near the train tracks and saw shadowy figures by the tracks; in their bedroom and they saw a man in the hallway and then it disappeared; at job and the lights go off and glass starts breaking and after the lights come back on they see the coffee machine exploded; on the beach and they saw some sort of seance going on, but then they drove back and saw someone levitating.

Matthew then described to the group what AES is and the benefits of joining, stating: "AES is an international organization that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists, and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and spreading new knowledge and research." He spoke of the member benefits available for joining such as meetings and activities, discounts, career resources, as well as news and information regarding the industry.

Matthew then introduced the CRAS AES office holders in attendance: President - Matt Lindsey, Secretary - William Walton, Vice Secretary - Moriah Paynes, Co-VP: Fin Pavlok, Co-VP - Kyra Phillips, Tech - Spencer Halpin, Tech - Les Danglar.

Upcoming events currently scheduled for our chapter were announced, including the 11/10 student spotlight, 11/17 early electronic music clinic with CRAS teacher OG, and the 12/2 Apogee CRAS takeover.

Matthew then spoke about the CRAS Mentor Program, an all-important tool provided to students to ensure their academic success by connecting them with upper cycle students for help with any topics that they are struggling with.

Something you didn't know about crasconnect; you can look at the icons under the class days to see what gear you need for each specific day.

For the mix tip of the week, we watched a video about how to make an SM7B for cheap, in the video, they put a SM58 inside a 3D printed SM7B casing to "make" a DIY SM7B. The reason this works is because the cartridge on the SM7B is very similar to the SM58, and in the same case, they end up sounding very similar.

Then we discussed Rhiannon Ward's Vocal lessons class, she has been trained for 5 years and has 1 year teaching experience; prices are $25 for a half hour, and a full hour is $45.

Current AES Subgroups were briefly discussed, including Songwriting subgroup, Sound design subgroup and Synthesizer subgroup

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society