
AES Section Meeting Reports

Aural Escuela - July 16, 2021

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On Friday July 16th, at Buenos Aires, Argentina, Federico Morales, Julian Perasso, Adrián Corvalán, Nicolás Fernandez and the AES Aural Faculty Advisor Leandro Rodríguez reunited via Zoom to discuss about the update of the Home Studio topic that was presented on 2020 at the previous edition of Audio Experts virtually. The principal objective is to make an upgrade to was have been exposed the year before, with new theoretical and practical concepts and ideas. The main topic at the Zoom reunion relayed on the utilization of resistive traps in order to make an acoustical treatment on Federico Morales' home studio.
We discussed about which materials were the most indicated in order to do that and also, the demonstration of an acoustical measurement software called ARTA, which indicates the room acoustical parameters, such as T30, T20, T10, and many more values. The measurements Federico Morales did were done on a home studio context with a ECM8000 measurement mic, which is an economic microphone but very useful in a homemade context. These were measured on the "sweet spot" position, with the objective of making afterwards another measurement with the home studio already having an acoustical treatment.
Morales explained to his partners which was the method of creation of the resistive traps from beginning to end, showing pictures step-by-step of the process. He also wrote a detailed document explaining all the process with the use of materials, calculations, etc. The department discussed about the importance of having an acoustic treatment in a home studio. Our faculty advisor Leandro Rodriguez explained to us very important acoustical concepts in order to make a better acoustical investigation in the "Acoustics on Home Studio 2.0" project, which will be soon presented on an audio exposition.
All the section members are very enthusiastic and interested about this project, because it will encourage audio students to take care and be aware about the importance and relevance of having an acoustical treatment done on their own home studios.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society