Meeting Topic: Regular Meeting Followed by Cybersecurity for Media Producers
Moderator Name: Bill Schulenburg
Speaker Name: Rob Schlette, Anthem Mastering
Other business or activities at the meeting: Rob Schlette's informative and essential presentation: "Cybersecurity for Media Producers" which encouraged many members to review their security procedures.
Meeting Location: Zoom
The Chairman's Report was presented by Bill Schulenburg.
• Announced 2 new members to the STL chapter.
• Currently working on getting the election process and leadership schedule in alignment with the international AES.
• Reminder that we have switched the group email over to a new system with MailChimp.
o Brian Gibbs mentioned that members can adjust their email preferences in the profile and get emails from multiple sections.
The Vice-Chair Report was presented by Paul Hennerich.
• No report at this time.
• Outreach and in-person events continues on hold.
The Treasurer Report was presented by Rob Schlette.
• No transactions since last meeting, balance remains at $98.
The Event Committee Reports was presented by Josh Harris.
• Next month ideas for a virtual tour of the Museum of the Bible.
• Anticipating that this virtual format for meetings and events will continue well into the year.
• Suggested that we return to the pre-Zoom format of more structured discussion and presentation following the formal meeting (vs. the breakout rooms); return to more member led discussions.
o Comments from Bill: will need volunteers and topics.
o Josh is willing to moderate and help drive ideas and reach out to members on topics.
• Discussed the recent member only tour of Ben Majchrzak's new consol.
The Outreach Committee Report by Kayla Rogers
• Kayla Rogers was not available. No report.
Carl Nappa NARAS Report
• Discussing elections around Memphis chapter.
• Working on getting all distributors and streaming services to show record credits.
Tim Ryan Webster University Report
• Stepping down as facility advisor at Webster and Casey Hunter will take over running the AES Student Section at Webster.
• AES educators meeting is happening on 2-7-21.
• Educational conference is happening remotely this July, Tim and Casey both have papers presented.
• CRASS will be happening virtually in March.
Mike B Acoustical Society Report
• Local chapter has not been meeting during social distancing.
• International year of sound continues from last year and international Acoustical Society is doing several virtual sessions.
ew Business and Announcements:
• Member led presentation by Rob Schlette, Cyber Security for Media Producers, following the close of the meeting.