
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - January 8, 2020

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or this week's Sound Design/Post Production Sub-Group meeting we delved into the world of video games. We started off the night by talking about some of the main differences between sound designing for video games vs. linear media and how sounds are implemented into game code. From there we dove into the game we were sound designing for that night: an action fantasy Unreal Game where you fight off waves of enemies using swords and magic. Once the Sub-Group got a feel for the gameplay we assigned different sound effects to everyone in attendance and got to creating. With the group's finished assets we went into how the code was working for implementing each asset and kept playing the game again with each added sound. By the end of the meeting a majority of the group's sounds were coded into the game and the game's world had taken on a new life. We closed out the night by diving a little deeper into non-audio related game development topics such as how character animation works, the concept of games having modular art assets, and discussion of some of the logistics of game development (prototyping, optimization, etc.)

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society