Meeting Topic: Studer/Revox Museum Zurich - Joint Swiss AES & VDT
Moderator Name: David Norman
Speaker Name: Walter Stutz, director of the Studer/Revox museum
Meeting Location: Zurich, Switzerland
On this Saturday a group of about 50 people, consisting of VDT and AES members met at the Studer/Revox Museum in Altstetten, Zurich which has been open for one year.
Walter Stutz, initiator and director of the museum welcomed the guests, as well as former Studer developers like Guido Besimo (tape machines) and Hans Leonhard (mixing consoles) and donators. A concentrated knowledge and a lot of history characterized this extraordinary meeting.
The tour started in the 2nd room of the museum, where beside measuring instruments and prototypes, real rarities like radio receivers from the 40s and early Televox amplifiers, which today are completely forgotten, are set up. In addition, the first Revox 60 turntable from the 50s was shown. A Studer C37 tube tape machine, which stood in the Abbey Road Studios as master machine and on which the Beatles were mastered, was then used in the second part of the tour for the audition. The latest acquirement of the museum and its biggest exhibit is a Studer 289 mixing console.
In the main room is the company's first larger mixing console, a Studer 69-48 from 1958, serial number 101 from the federal parliament building. Also a report mixer in suitcase size from the Radio Bern from this time stands opposite which was developed by Hans Leonhard. On the walls Revox tape machines in all colours and designs are exhibited. Opposite on the window front are the large Studer tape machines. From the A 80 and its successors up to the mastering machines A 820 and the last 24 track A 827 as gold edition, which Walter Stutz brought back from California, all are ready for operation.
After an aperitif break, we went into the first room to the big mixer and could take some pictures of the C37. Then we listened to further recordings in the big room on different machines and loudspeakers. Anecdotes and memories were lively exchanged. There was a fantastic atmosphere, with which the official part was concluded. Afterwards the bigger part of the group went to the restaurant next door. There the evening was rounded off with food and drink.
Many thanks to Walter Stutz and his museum colleagues for the unforgettable occasion.
Written By: David Norman