
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - October 6, 2016

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Tonight CRAS AES hosted a Grad panel where three CRAS grads were talking about their experiences at the school and in the industry. Gentry Studer is a Mastering Engineer at Howie Weinberg Mastering. Lauren Price is a Post Production Engineer at Monkeyland Audio Inc and Brett Lind is a Freelance Engineer.

The event began with our moderator, CRAS Director of Student Services Greg Stefus, going down the line and asking each speaker to introduce themselves and talk about where they first interned when they finished the on campus portion of the CRAS program and what they are currently doing now.

The next round of questions pertained to what a regular day of their job was like. Gentry works on different genre's of records in the course of one day. Lauren talked about her experience when she was an intern and how it involved doing little things such as getting coffee or food and making sure audio is properly cleaned up. There was a quick aside about how the speakers prefer CRAS grads as interns in the studios that they work at.

Brett brought up a great point about working as an intern, saying that a graduate shouldn't look at an internship as working for free but look at it as getting an education for free. Our moderator asked Gentry what he thought was the most common mistake that he see's with new interns, he responded saying that overstepping their bounds and being entitled were the most common offenders.

Greg asked the speakers for some of their favorite intern fail stories, Brett relayed an entertaining story where one of his interns called him a rude name after Brett asked him to call him by his first name.

The next line of questioning involved what they expect new interns to know when they first start out, the consensus is that they did not expect a new intern to know everything but to be open to learning what the engineers would like to teach them.

The speakers talked about their interesting experiences with the instructors at CRAS. Before the questioning was handed over to the students, Greg asked for "Crash-and-Burn" stories from when they first got started in the industry and then their proudest moments in the audio industry. My favorite story was Brett talking about how he was diagnosed with cancer and during the same time, he

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AES - Audio Engineering Society