
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - August 11, 2016

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Before the meeting Mr McDonald took the time to personally meet and great all the students attending the event and talking to them. As the meeting started, he began talking about himself and his audio experience. Jeff immediately opened up the floor to questions about what the participants would like him to talk about. Questions included, "What do you look for in an employee" "What direction does he think the industry is going in" "What kind of jobs do they offer" and "how much they pay their employees. Jeff began talking about the incredible growth that his company has been experiencing over the last few years. He followed that up by taking the time to show the participants a company video about the Sweetwater headquarters up in Indiana and everything that is provided there. After the video was done, he spoke about the different job opportunities and careers Sweetwater offers. Jeff made the opportunities and pay for the jobs at Sweetwater sound incredibly exciting.

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society