Meeting Topic: AES Meeting Notes
Moderator Name: Brian Skeel
Speaker Name: Brian Skeel - Chair
Meeting Location: Capital University - Studio A
Members Present:
Brian Skeel
Jesse Harmon
Tom Greenwood
Luke Matyas
Zac Holley
Matthew Heim
Tshirts are almost done. To pick yours up, please see Tom Greenwood. Many sizes are available, all of which are $10 each. To print more tshirts, we just need to put in another order at Rising Moon in Westerville, Ohio for $8.75 a shirt. We will wear these shirts at the Music Tech Workshop, and can also wear them anytime throughout the year for any occasion.
Voting time is approaching. We need new candidates for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Mentorship Coordinator, Webmaster, and Alumni Coordinator. A document will be up on our Facebook page where you can attach your name next to the position you desire. A Doodle is on the Facebook page to determine the time of voting, but will be held sometime during the week of April 21. Applicants and must be current, non-graduating (with the exception of the Alumni Coordinator position) students at Capital University, and must be up to date on AES dues. Voters must be current students at Capital University and must be up to date on AES dues. Every running applicant will give a short speech on voting day concerning the reason for running and why they should be voted in. Any student currently abroad for their internship or Recording Workshop must submit a short video with the same information to be viewed on voting day.
Capital University will not be attending Sweetwater's Gearfest as a vendor, but many of us will be going to represent Capital AES and to participate in the festivities. It is free for all, but anyone who wishes to attend must find their own accommodations and pre-register on Sweetwater's website. The event is June 6-7 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
If you have sessions you need help with or wouldn't mind taking an underclassman under your wing while working, please let us know on the AES Facebook page. This is a great opportunity for everyone to learn from each other.
As always, please contact Jesse Harmon with any student or professional projects you are working on, as we can make it visible to the world using the Capital AES website and Soundcloud page.
Written By: Brian Skeel