
AES Section Meeting Reports

Middle Tennessee State University - December 10, 2010

Meeting Topic:

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The MTSU AES Student Chapter is proud to host the first stop on the North American Mic to Master tour, December 10th and 11th.

Mic To Master is a series of workshops and master classes on recording techniques, mixing, and mastering designed to give engineers, producers and all other creative audio enthusiasts an opportunity to learn expert tips and tricks of the trade from recording industry professionals.

Sponsored workshops and seminars:

• Mayfield Mastering: Industry veteran and renowned mastering engineer Glenn Meadows masters a track and shows how to put an album together to Red Book specification so it can go to replication without issues

• Audio Technica: Microphones: how they work, construction, application and a drum recording demo.

• PMC speakers: Room design and acoustics; essential principles in making a good listening environment.

• SADiE: Digital audio workstation and software.

• Prism Sound: Digital audio interface hardware.

All events will be held in Lab B, Comm 101, and Studio B

More About Middle Tennessee State University Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society