Meeting Topic: Introductory Meeting, Audio Career Options, & Student-Led Recording Session
Moderator Name: Kyle P. Snyder
Speaker Name: Aaron Goldstein (Chair), Steven VanDyne (Vice Chair), Greg Ornella (Secretary), Maggie Mitchell (Treasurer)
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Conversed about career options for audio engineers and announced our exciting schedule of events for the 2013 - 2014 school year.
A student-led recording session covering basics of signal flow as well as a small-scale microphone shootout was conducted.
Possible topics for future meetings were discussed.
Possible t-shirt idea was also discussed.
Talked about AES conventions and informed students of how they can network and expand their knowledge of the society & audio technology.
Meeting Location: 9 South College Street, RTVC 281, Athens, Ohio 45701
For the first AES meeting of the year, the board started off by discussing the many unknown career options for audio engineers. Later on in the meeting, a brief recording session was conducted using various types of mics. The recording was then played back for the attendees. At that point we discussed how and why the mics colored the recording of the acoustic guitar being played. Towards the end of the meeting, we considered the possibility of having section t-shirts in order to promote the society.
During our question and answer session of the meeting, we asked the new attendees what they wanted to cover/discuss in future chapter meetings. The responses are as followed:
1.) ADR and Dialogue
2.) Sound Design with Video Games
3.) Mastering
4.) Live Sound
5.) The process of jingle writing
6.) Forensic Audio
7.) Acoustics and acoustic treatment
8.) Sound Foley
8.) Analog vs. Digital and the ensuing debate
Written By: Greg Ornella