Meeting Topic: Sound design in New Zealand
Moderator Name: Hiro Sawaguchi
Speaker Name: Tim Prebble
Other business or activities at the meeting:
Mr. Tim Prebble, a Sound Designer and Supervising Sound Editor, musician and writer from New Zealand presented him experience, method as well as how the movie industry in New Zealand is developed including Peter Jackson commitment and his studio Park Road Post where technically it is equal to Skywalker Sound.
- Film in New Zealand
- Sound Post in New Zealand
- Workflow from script > design > mix
- Field recording and sound libraries
Here is a highlighted quote from his presentation,
Back in 1978 NZ Government started NZ FILM COMMISSION
They fund script development, run workshops and they also fund 2-5 films per year
They have also been important in lobbying NZ Government for tax incentives for film industry
Tax incentives have been very important for bringing foreign films to NZ.
But back in 1987 one of the directors who applied to to the Film Commission for funding was a guy called Peter Jackson
"Another aspect of sound design I consider very important is ambiences.
I strongly believe in visiting the locations from the film myself to record, for two reasons.
First is to capture many different aspects of the ambiences, but secondly is to hear the locations and to have a memory of the feelings.
These memories are very important."
Meeting Location: TAC SYSTEM Inc. / Tokyo