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Journal of the AES - Table of Contents

1999 June, VOLUME 47 NUMBER 6



Air-Related Harmonic and Intermodulation Distortion in Large Sound Systems
Eugene Czerwinski, Alexander Voishvillo, Sergei Alexandrov, and Alexander Terekhov 427

A series of measurements was made on two loudspeaker arrays which consisted of similar horn
drivers to determine nonlinear and intermodulation distortion attributable to air propagation at
various sound pressure levels, frequencies, and distances. These measurements indicated that the
level of air-based nonlinear distortion could significantly exceed the distortion generated within
a single horn. The experiments also showed that multiple high-level horn arrays can generate
nonlinearity distortion inversely to their spacing. It is further suggested that current digital
distortion correction schemes for single-system horn arrays do not address the resultant nonlinear
air distortion generated when using multiple array systems.

Time-Domain Nonlinear Modeling of Practical Electroacoustic Transducers
S. M. Potirakis, G. E. Alexakis, M. C. Tsilis, and P. J. Xenitidis 447

The authors investigated published time domain modeling techniques that were used in the
derivation of nonlinear loudspeaker models. No special testing signals or expensive test equipment
were used for the acquisition of input­output data. The modeling technique that produced the most
accurate, adequate, and economical loudspeaker model was a combination of fuzzy logic and classic
NARMAX procedures.

A Study on the Derivation of Transfer Functions for Sound Image Localization Using
Stereo Earphones
Shohei Yano, Haruhide Hokari, Shoji Shimada, and Hideki Irisawa 469

Seven algorithms were examined for use with stereo headphones to evaluate their sound localization
transfer function (SLTF) effectiveness. Each transfer function was derived using the impulse response
measuring method. Two performance attributes were used to evaluate the effectiveness of each SLTF
function: the calculation time and the subjective assessment score. The results of the tests showed two
of the seven transfer functions resulted in superior performance over the remaining five.


DRAFT AES33-xxx AES standard for audio interconnections -- Database of multiple-program
connection configurations

AES Standards Bulletin: Coding for transparent cascading of compressed audio 479

AES Standards Committee News 480

Digital audio alignment levels; digital file exchange; digital interface microphones; Internet audio quality


16th Conference Report, Rovaniemi, Finland 484

106th Convention Report, Munich, Germany, 492

Exhibitors 508

Program 512

108th Convention, Paris, France, Call for Papers 552

9th Regional Convention Preview, Tokyo, Japan (insert)


News of the Sections 536

Upcoming Meetings 540

Sound Track 541

New Products and Developments 543

Available Literature 544

Membership Information 545

In Memoriam 548

Sections Contacts Directory 554

AES Conventions and Conferences 560

In this issue...

Sound Distortion

Modeling Nonlinear Electroacoustic Transducers

Stereo Earphone
Sound Localization


16th Conference Report,

106th Convention Report,

108th Convention,
Paris--Call for Papers

9th Regional Convention,

FPOFor the cover:

Volume 47 Number 6 1999 June

spine:VOLUME 47, NO. 6 1999 JUNE