Analyzing Virtual Sound Source Attributes Using a Binaural Auditory Model
Ville Pulkki, Matti Karjalainen, and Jyri Huopaniemi 203
A computational model of auditory perception is used to evaluate virtual sound sources that were
created by different techniques. The spatial attributes are discussed relative to the auditory cues of
real and virtual sound sources. The authors found good computational agreement with empirical
listening results based on the model's prediction of known listening phenomena in loudspeaker
listening environments.Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Head-Related Transfer Function Filter Design
Jyri Huopaniemi, Nick Zacharov, and Matti Karjalainen 218The auditory perception point of view in this study is the basis for binaural auditory modeling as
applied to the head-related transfer function. The authors present applicable perceptually valid filter
design techniques and listening test results for localization and timbre degradation. The stated
conclusion is that filter design methods for 3-D sound can gain considerable efficiency when a non-
uniform auditory frequency resolution representing the human ear is used. The required filter length
for high-quality 3-D sound synthesis is also dependent on the incident angle of the incoming sound.Implementation of a New Algorithm Using the STFT with Variable Frequency Resolution for the TimeFrequency Auditory Model Hyuk Jeong and Jeong-Guon Ih 240
A new algorithm is proposed for the time-frequency analysis of unsteady sound signals whose
objective is the consideration of the human auditory processing system. The system is called the
VFR-STFT (short-time Fourier transform with variable frequency resolution). The frequency
resolution is adjusted to the variation of filtered frequency ranges by using a downsampling technique.
This system can be considered as a useful timefrequency analysis method to describe and analyze
auditory related subjects.Tone Bursts for the Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Loudspeaker Frequency Response
in Ordinary Rooms Allan Rosenheck and Kurt Heutschi 252Controlled-length tone bursts are proposed for evaluating low-frequency performance of loudspeakers
in reverberant fields of conventional rooms. This method offers a practical advantage over other
conventional tests and provides a rapid, subjective evaluation for each frequency band of the system
AES24-1-1999 (Revision of AES24-1-1995) AES standard for sound system control --
Application protocol for controlling and monitoring audio devices via digital data networks --
Part 1: Principles, formats, and basic procedures 256AES Standards Committee News 298
106th Convention meetings; digitally interfaced microphones; sound system control
AESWP1001 AES White Paper: Networking Audio and Music Using Internet2 and Next-
Generation Internet Capabilities
Robin Bargar, Steve Church, Akira Fukuda, James Grunke, Douglas Keislar, BobMoses, Ben Novak, Bruce Pennycook, Zack Settel, John Strawn, Phil Wiser, and Wieslaw Woszczyk 300
Updates and Corrections to the 1998/1999 International Sections Directory 317
Updates to Review of Society's Sustaining Members 322
News of the Sections 311
Sound Track 315
Upcoming Meetings 318
New Products and Developments 319
Available Literature 320
Membership Information 324
In Memoriam 326
Audio Engineering Society Membership
Application Instructions 327
Sections Contacts Directory 330
AES Conventions and Conferences 336
In this issue...
Sound-Source Attributes
AnalysisHRTF Filter Design
Auditory ModelTone Burst Loudspeaker Evaluation
AES-24 Protocol RevisionFeatures...
AES White Paper:
Internet2 AudioUpdates:
Sections Directory
Sustaining Members![]()
FPOFor the cover:
Volume 47 Number 4 1999 April
spine:VOLUME 47, NO. 4 1999 APRILBoiler, p. 2(ISSN 0004-7554), Volume 47, Number 4, 1999 April