AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

Ivan Simurra, Sr.
Primary Affiliation: University of Sao Paolo - São Paulo, Brazil
Ivan Eiji Simurra is a composer and researcher, performs electronic manipulations in Pop Music (DJ). PhD by the Institute of Arts-UNICAMP with emphasis on Creative Processes, under the guidance of Jônatas Manzolli, with funding from FAPESP and CAPES-FAPESP. Master in Creative Processes at UNICAMP, under the guidance of Silvio Ferraz, with funding CAPES-FAPESP and Bacharel in Music Composition respectively. Professor of Harmony, Theory, Structuring and Musical Composition, he develops projects related to the composition of instrumental music, science, technology and musical analysis with the assistance of the computer. He participated in various festivals, masterclasses and workshops. He is currently a postdoc researcher in the Department of Computation of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - IME / USP under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Gomes de Queiroz. He won prizes for his compositions during the Biennial of Contemporary Brazilian Music-FUNARTE and at the III International Music Composition Competition in Tomsk / Russia. In addition, his works are executed in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, United States, Israel and Russia
Session List
Oct 18:
P03: Perception
Pilot Experiment on Verbal Attributes Classification of Orchestral Timbres (Author)