![AES 140th Convention](/events/140/images/AES140-728x90px.jpg)
AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author
Tomira Rogala
Primary Affiliation: Fryderyk Chopin University of Music - Warsaw, Poland
Tomira Rogala received a M.A. degree in music recording and a Ph. D. degree in art sciences from the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music (FCUM) in Warsaw, Poland. She has been working at the FCUM since 1981, and is currently employed as assistant professor at the Chair of Musical Acoustics. Her scientific activity is focused on auditory perception and development of listening skills needed for sound quality evaluation. Dr. Rogala teaches a special ear-training course called Timbre Solfege. The course’s program deals with various aspects of sound evaluation in music recording and sound engineering.
Session List
Jun 7:
P20: Perception: Part 3
Discrimination of Formant Frequency in Pink Noise (Author)