AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Christopher Gribben
Primary Affiliation: University of Huddersfield - Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK
Christopher Gribben is a Ph.D. student with the Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory (APL) at the University of Huddersfield, UK. He graduated from the University’s Music Technology and Audio Systems course with a First Class degree in 2013. During his undergraduate studies, Gribben undertook an industrial placement year working at Cass Allen Associates, UK, where his focus was on environmental acoustics and noise modelling. At present, his research concerns the psychoacoustics of 3D multichannel audio, in particular, the perception of decorrelated signals in the vertical domain. He is a student member of the Audio Engineering Society
More Info: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/christopher-gribben/27/980/aa7
Session List
Jun 5:
P6: Perception: Part 1
The Perception of Vertical Image Spread by Interchannel Decorrelation (Author)
Jun 5:
P12: Perception Part 1 and Audio Signal Processing Part 2
The Perception of Vertical Image Spread by Interchannel Decorrelation (Author)