AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Art Noxon
Primary Affiliation: AcousticSciences Corp. - Eugene, OR, USA
Secondary Affiliation: Tube Trap
Arthur Noxon is a licensed acoustical engineer with Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics. He has been active in developing acoustic products, design and construction techniques and performance standards in small room acoustics for over 30 years. He holds multiple patents, has delivered a number of AES papers and written over 30 published articles all on acoustics. In the early 80’s he invented the TubeTrap. He set aside his speaker building to establish ASC and manufacture acoustic products. Initially distributed by Monster Cable, the TubeTrap became the iconic corner-loaded bass trap in audio, in both the recording and hifi industries. His current concentration with small room acoustics besides developing new high performance bass traps is the management of very low frequency sound using balanced impedance walls in series with high transmission loss walls.
Session List
Oct 29:
W3: Low Frequency Behavior in Small High Accuracy Listening Environments (Panelist)