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Moving around

Public Transportation System

Public transport in Warsaw consists of a network of buses, tramlines and (doble-line) underground. It is reliable, fast and relatively inexpensive. Busses are available also by night. You can buy tickets from vending machines located near major stops (accepts banknotes, coins and credit/debit cards), in the buses (there is two types of ticket vending machines: older type - only coins, newer type - only credit/debit cards), in the bus/tram drivers (cash only - if there is no ticket machine in the vehicle), newspaper agents/kiosk (they are marked with red and yellow ZTM logo). Every ticket has to be validated in yellow machines located in the buses, trams or in entrance turnstile. If you plan using Warsaw's public transport intensively, buy 24h travel pass. You should validate it once, during first ride.

Note: Only single fare tickets are available if purchasing from the driver and passenger is required to pay exact amount. The vehicle staff may sell tickets only during time of stoppage at stops. In the event of a vehicle delay over 3 minutes in relation to the vehicle timetable, the staff may refuse to sell tickets. In general, this is not a reccomended method to purchase tickets.

Please visit the Web page of City Transport Authority - there is a very reasonable step-by-step guide to Warsaw public transport system.


single trip up to 20 min. (no transfer): 3.40 zł
single trip up to 75 min. (transfer allowed): 4.40 zł
travel pass, valid for consecutive 24 hours: 15 zł

Note: If you have an ISIC international students card valid for the current year you are entitled to a discount of 50%.

Detailed fare information is available from ZTM Web pages.

The ZTM also provides quite useful  trip planning Web service.


It is advisable to book a taxi by telephone. If you pick a taxi on the street or from a taxi stand, be sure you choose one from a city-licensed company. Licensed taxis are under watchful eye of city authorities, which means that they are treating customers with due respect and don't overcharge. The taxis with city license are easily recognisable by city logo and red and yellow ribbon with number on the front doors. Several licensed taxi companies are listed below.

The taxi driver cannot charge the passenger more than the limit set by city authorities. Usually, the actual price is 15-20% below the allowed maximum.

Current prices (maximum rates legally permitted):

Initial/starting fee - 8 PLN
Day fare, in the urban zone - 3 PLN per km
Night fare, in the urban zone, and day fare on Sundays and holidays - 4.50 PLN per km
Day fare, in suburban areas - 6 PLN per km
Night fare, in suburban areas, and day fare on Sundays and holidays - 9 PLN per km
1 hour in which the driver waits for the passenger - 40 PLN

A ride from the airport to the city centre on a weekday should not cost much more than 40-50 zl. The driver should give you a receipt on demand. Some taxi companies accept credit cards, but reluctantly, as additional paperwork is involved. You may be charged additional fee of up to 4% of your bill if you want to pay with card.

Veturilo city bikes

We strongly recommend this option. You can hire a on one of the 100 rental stations of the city's Veturilo bike rental system.

Veturilo bikes can hired in two ways:
1) registering on the Web page en.veturilo.waw.pl and paying an initial fee of 10 zł via the webpage
2) registering by credit card at the terminal located at every bicycle station.

The rides of up to 20 minutes are free.


In the centre of Warsaw in most areas a parking fee is charged. Parking is payable Mon.-Fri. from 8:00 to 18:00.

Parking fees:

  • first hour: 3 zł
  • second hour: 3.60 zł
  • third hour: 4.20 zł
  • fourth and each subsequent hour: 3 zł per hour

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