AES Los Angeles 2014 Presenter or Author
Michael A. E. Andersen
Primary Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark - Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Michael A. E. Andersen received the M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in power electronics from the Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He is currently a Professor of power electronics at the Technical University of Denmark. Since 2009, he has been Deputy Director in the Department of Electrical Engineering. He is the author or coauthor of more than 100 papers. His research interests include switch-mode power supplies, piezoelectric transformers, power factor correction, and switch-mode audio power amplifiers.
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Session List
Oct 9:
P4: Transducers—Part 1
Comparative Study of Si and SiC MOSFET for High Voltage Class D Audio Amplifiers (Author)
Oct 10:
P9: Transducers—Part 2
A Direct Driver for Electrostatic Transducers (Author)
Oct 12:
P17: Signal Processing: Part 2
Predistortion of a Bidirectional Cuk Audio Amplifier (Author)
Frequency Dependent Loss Analysis and Minimization of System Losses in Switch-Mode Audio Power Amplifiers (Author)
Oct 12:
P20: Applications in Audio: Part 2
Requirements Specification for Amplifiers and Power Supplies in Active Loudspeakers (Author)