AES New York 2013
Recording & Production Track Event W19

Saturday, October 19, 3:00 pm — 5:00 pm (Room 1E13)

Workshop: W19 - "Help! I Have a Tape Recorder!"—Restoration and Rebuilding Analog Tape Machines

Noah Simon, New York University - New York, NY, USA
John French, JRF Magnetic Sciences Inc - Greendell, NJ, USA
Bob Shuster, Shuster Sound - Smithtown, NY USA
Daniel Zellman, Zeltec Service Labs - New York, NY, USA; Zeltec Research & Development

A new generation of engineers, musicians, and audiophiles are discovering how the analog recorders from the “good old days” are helping them get a better sound or get that “analog sound” into their recordings. At the same time at the other end, archivists, preservationists, remastering engineers, and high end audiophiles need to know what’s involved in taking care of these machines. This workshop will discuss the various options for these folks when they look for purchasing, maintaining, restoring, and using these recorders. During the workshop discussion, we hope to show examples of tape recorder repairs and restoration and have a running Q&A session.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Archiving Restoration and Digital Libraries

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EXHIBITION HOURS October 18th 10am ��� 6pm October 19th 10am ��� 6pm October 20th 10am ��� 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 16th 3pm ��� 7pm October 17th 8am ��� 6pm October 18th 8am ��� 6pm October 19th 8am ��� 6pm October 20th 8am ��� 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 17th 9am ��� 7pm October 18th 9am ��� 7pm October 19th 9am ��� 7pm October 20th 9am ��� 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society