AES New York 2013
Recording & Production Track Event B3

Thursday, October 17, 2:15 pm — 3:45 pm (Room 1E08)

Broadcast and Streaming Media: B3 - Listener Fatigue and Retention

Richard Burden, Richard W. Burden Associates - Canoga Park, CA, USA
Frank Foti, Telos - New York, NY, USA
Greg Ogonowski, Orban - San Leandro, CA, USA
Sean Olive, Harman International - Northridge, CA, USA
Robert Reams, Psyx Research
Elliot Scheiner

This panel will discuss listener fatigue and its impact on listener retention. While listener fatigue is an issue of interest to broadcasters, it is also an issue of interest to telecommunications
service providers, consumer electronics manufacturers, music producers, and others. Fatigued listeners to a broadcast program may tune out, while fatigued listeners to a cell phone conversation may switch to another carrier, and fatigued listeners to a portable media player may purchase another company’s product. The experts on this panel will discuss their research and experiences with listener fatigue and its impact on listener retention.

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EXHIBITION HOURS October 18th 10am ��� 6pm October 19th 10am ��� 6pm October 20th 10am ��� 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 16th 3pm ��� 7pm October 17th 8am ��� 6pm October 18th 8am ��� 6pm October 19th 8am ��� 6pm October 20th 8am ��� 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 17th 9am ��� 7pm October 18th 9am ��� 7pm October 19th 9am ��� 7pm October 20th 9am ��� 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society