AES San Francisco 2012
Tutorial T1
Friday, October 26, 9:00 am — 10:30 am (Room 133)
T1 - Noise on the Brain—Hearing Damage on the Other Side: Part II
Presenter:Poppy Crum, Dolby Laboratories - San Francisco, CA, USA
Did you know that drinking a glass of orange juice every day may actually protect your hearing? Most discussions of hearing damage focus on what happens to the cochlea and inner ear. While this understanding is crucial to predicting and avoiding trauma that can lead to hearing loss, both acoustic and chemical stimuli can also have significant effects on higher brain areas. In some cases, thresholds and audiograms can look completely normal but listeners may have great difficulty hearing a conversation in a noisy environment. This session will explore the latest research regarding the effects of acoustic and chemical trauma, and how this damage manifests throughout the auditory pathway as changes in hearing sensitivity, cognition, and the experience of tinnitus. We will also consider recent research in chemically preserving hearing and combating these conditions with supplements as common as Vitamin C!