AES San Francisco 2012
Broadcast and Streaming Media Session B5

Saturday, October 27, 9:00 am — 10:30 am (Room 131)

B5 - Stream Distribution: IP in the Mobile Environment

David Layer, National Association of Broadcasters - Washington, DC, USA
Mike Daskalopoulos, Dolby Labs
Samuel Sousa, Triton Digital - Montreal, QC, Canada
Jason Thibeault, Limelight

The public has demanded the portability of stream listening, whether in a handheld or other mobile devices including the car. There are a variety of streaming technologies in the marketplace that can support portable streaming, and in this session representatives from three of the leading companies in this space will offer their insights and vision. Some of the specific topics to be covered include: Audio on mobile, the list of challenges; how mobile streaming can interact with traditional in-car listening; HTML5—savior or just more trouble?; and challenges in IP streaming and advertising interaction.

Return to Broadcast and Streaming Media Sessions

EXHIBITION HOURS October 27th 10am ��� 6pm October 28th 10am ��� 6pm October 29th 10am ��� 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 25th 3pm ��� 7pm October 26th 8am ��� 6pm October 27th 8am ��� 6pm October 28th 8am ��� 6pm October 29th 8am ��� 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 26th 9am ��� 7pm October 27th 9am ��� 7pm October 28th 9am ��� 7pm October 29th 9am ��� 5pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society